Top 10 British English Homophones

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy today’s lesson is

going to be about home phones these are

words that sound alike but are spelt

differently learning more about these

home phones will help you improve your

English listening skills and ultimately

it will help you understand native

speakers like myself so if you want to

improve your listening comprehension

keep watching the first home phones are

effect and effect

what is the difference I actually get

questions about these words quite

frequently in the comments section well

effect with an a is a verb the illness

did not affect me an effect with an e is

a noun the illness didn’t have an effect

on me the next time a phone is which and

which which is the pronoun that we all

know and love I’m wearing a red top

which I bought in London and a which is

a scary or nasty woman

normally number three we have here and

here well they’re both pronounced in

exactly the same way but one here is a

pronoun to indicate a location whoops I

definitely meant to say adverb sorry

about that so we’ve got can you come

here and the other one here again is a

verb to hear something to indicate

listening can you come and hear this for

example number four ah and ah ah the

first one is a form of the verb to be

these are my students and the other a

plural possessive form of we this is our

classroom then we’ve got bye and bye bye

with B Y is a preposition indicating

location I am by the door bye with Bui

is a verb meaning to purchase are you

going to buy this number six weather and

weather this weather means the state of

the atmosphere the weather is very nice

today whereas the other weather

is a conjunction to introduce choices

could you tell me whether you prefer to

go out or stay in number seven there

there and there

this there can act as many different

parts of speech it can be a pronoun for

example there are a lot of people then

we have there which is a pronoun my

students forgot their books finally we

have there which is a contraction of

they are they’re very nice people they

are very nice people then we have two

two and two

well firstly we’ve got two the number

two I have two pets a dog and a cat and

we’ve got two which can mean excessively

or also I am too tired to go out or I

will come to the final two can be used

to indicate an infinitive do you want to

go out it can also be a preposition I am

going to the park then we have your and

your the first one your is a pronoun

don’t forget your coat the second one is

a contraction for you are you’re going

to get cold if you don’t wear a coat and

number ten we have one and one the first


oh and E refers to the number one a

single unit for example I have one nose

thankfully it would be terrible if I had

to the other word W o n one again is the

past tense for the verb to win so I

recently won a competition alright guys

that was my video on the top 10 British


Homer phones I hope you found it useful

if you do want to take your listening to

the next level make sure you watch my

latest video which is all about

listening skills the link is in the

description box if you want to improve

your pronunciation you can join in my

free live pronunciation and vocabulary

lesson which is every Sunday at 4:30 GMT


time on my English with Lucy Facebook

page you can also like my Instagram to

keep up to date with what I’m doing

don’t forget I now post on Mondays

Wednesdays and Saturdays and I will see

you again soon for another lesson
