Top 5 English Idioms Collaboration with Learn British English Free

hello and welcome back to english with

lucy today i’ve got very special lesson

for you I’ve got my fellow teacher Chris

here he has a YouTube channel called

learn British English free it’s a

fabulous channel definitely to check it


the link will be in the description

below Chris and I have got a really

interesting video planned for you today

it’s going to be all about our top 5

favorite idioms so I’ve got my top 5 and

he’s got his top 5 the first half is

here on my channel and then the second

half will be on Chris’s channel so as

soon as you finish the first half here

click on the link in the description

head over to Chris’s channel and you can

watch the second half there as well

quickly before we get started don’t

forget to connect with me on all of my

social media or its mobile your favorite

and my facebook my Instagram my Weibo my

youtube channel here and I’ve also got

my patreon account and you can sponsor

me on that okay so Chris and I have made

a list of each of our top 5 favourite

idioms and we’re going to talk them

through with you today

so do you want to start on 5 I would

love to yeah my number 5 idiom is not my

cup of tea and we use this to describe

things that we don’t like or we’re not

interested in my best example would be

that as a huge fan of sports such as

football I don’t actually like golf it’s

not interesting for me so I would say

golf isn’t my cup of tea okay so for me

I love gin but run really isn’t my cup

of tea that’d be good

it would include mine area okay easy

so my number 5 is to beat around the

bush if you beat around the bush you

avoid talking about a specific topic or

problem so an example would be Chris I

know t-shirt it’s I don’t beat around

the bush group so you just say okay I

hate your t-shirt I’m sorry

so I was beating around the bush then I

was avoiding saying the real problem and

this is something that British people do

a lot with very polite be party

okay so what’s a number for my number

for India is to move the goal posts and

this describes a situation when

someone’s trying to do something and

someone else changes the rules or the

objectives making it more difficult it

might happen at work

or maybe in your studies where you’re

trying to complete a task or a project

and someone changes the rules so they

change what they want you to do they

move the goal posts they’ve made it more

difficult for you that’s very

frustrating it is they don’t move

Michael I see it wouldn’t burn yeah

right my number four is as good as gold

and if someone is as good as gold it

means that they’re very nice and very

well behaved so when I was young my mom

always used to tell me that I was as

good as gold

I’m sure she could I was so well-behaved

do you believe that of course

looks good good

my number three idiom is something is a

piece of cake and this means that it is

really easy for example if you want to

learn English then learning English

through Lucy’s YouTube channel learning

English becomes a piece of cake that way

ah thank you Chris

okay so that’s it for this half of the

lesson now you need to go over to

Chris’s channel learn British English

free the link is in the description and

watch the second half offer you very
