Learn English with Britney Spears Interview English Subtitles


nice to meet you nice to meet you too

how much love for Americans bears it’s

pretty good thank you it is you’ve been

traveling a lot you’ve been to Poland

Germany London yes Copenhagen no you’re

no slow and everyone probably asked this

but I just know it’s a beautiful country

and the people are great the food

supposedly really good yeah and I’m

happy to be here

you have to like dance right now which

is like doing it big in the US

Nico and winds and Elise the Fox have

you heard about them no no everyone

hopes that you probably would we have to

talk about bit about your moderate

collection of course what I did like the

world’s biggest pop star decide to

design her own laundry

well it’s something I’ve wanted to do

for a while now since I’m for the past

six years I went to London and I went to

La Perla and it was the most beautiful

lingerie store have been in my life and

I was like I have to do something like

this I want to create my own line of

lingerie sleepwear and um you know just

make the pieces just really different

and make them my own and you know

something to give back to the fans

that’s really special and so I’ve been

working on it for two years now it’s

been kind of hard it’s been a lot of

hard work that it’s paid off it’s over

ladies world with Lucy I would describe

it it’s very vintage old-fashioned

classical feminine sexy and muted

colours like very soft subtle colors not

too bright there’s one line called

cherry it’s the only bright one but the

rest of them are very all kind of the

same realm of colors and it’s really

beautiful yeah I think girls as you

woman around the world right now kids

the girls that are growing up that’s

like a lot of pressure on them they

still were supposed to look great being

great smart have as many like social

media likes as possible do you think

it’s like more difficult to be a young

girl growing up now than it was when you

were I not that’s a very good question

I’m not really sure about that um I feel

like there’s a lot more technology these

days I don’t know if that takes away

from the actual person itself

which would make it easier for you as a

person to live I think because you would

have so many of the gadgets and what’s

going on instead of like you know just

being having the presence of you and me

and not having so many computers and

stuff like that going on so I feel like

maybe it goes both ways yeah you also

said that with your laundry collection

you want to like you want every woman to

look good in it like big and small

tollens yes what’s your advice for like

woman around the world who struggle with

low self-esteem my advice is to I mean

trust me there are days that you know

that I have I struggled with myself you

know as I’m human and there’s stays you

can’t really get with it and you just

need to actually probably cherish those

days and you know pray about it I have a

huge believer in prayer and God and I

feel like if you if he’s a part of your

life then I feel like the sky is the

limit and you can overcome any obstacle

in your life whatever it is depression

or being self not having confidence or

whatever it is in keeping good

girlfriend’s around you I think is

really special to more important than

men sometimes yes
