169 Business Vocabulary Nouns Collocations Business English Course Lesson 10

Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy in this vocabulary lesson

I’m going to give you 20 commonly used business English nouns and then loads of collocations that can relate to them

By the end of the lesson you’ll have learnt over 150 business vocabulary collocations

I will give you the definition if the collocation changes the meaning of the noun or if I think the combination is particularly complicated

Let’s get started with the lesson

The first noun is advice

You can have sound advice which is good advice, a piece of advice

Expert advice

professional advice

legal advice

You can take someone’s advice or you can give a word of advice

You can also give a bit of advice or a piece of advice

Now number two is


you can have a leading brand, a major brand

well-known brand, a brand identity

Which are the visible elements of a brand such as color design and logo and brand awareness

Which is how aware people are of your brand?

The third noun is budget you can have budget cuts which are budget reductions

budget constraints which are limitations, a tight budget which is a small budget or a

Shoestring budget, which is a very small budget

Now number four is


different ways to say to come to a conclusion are to draw a conclusion to reach a conclusion

to jump to a conclusion or to draw conclusions

you can also have a logical conclusion and you can say in conclusion, which means finally

You would use this to start a final paragraph

Number five is cost

You can have prohibitive costs which are costs that get in the way. You can also have rising costs or

Escalating costs which are costs that get bigger and bigger. There are also additional costs

operating costs

administrative costs, you can cut costs

You can lower costs

You can keep costs down or keep down costs and you can maintain low costs

Number six is customer

you can have a loyal customer

a regular customer

a satisfied customer

You can talk about customer service or customer support

You deal with a customer?

Help a customer, assist a customer, lose a customer

Keep a customer and attract a customer. You can also talk about a customer base

Number seven is decision. You can have a tough decision which is a difficult decision

A hasty decision, which is a quick or premature decision

you can have a majority decision, which means most people agree on the decision

A unanimous decision where everyone makes the same decision and you can make a decision

Number eight is delivery

You’ve got fast delivery

free delivery

guaranteed delivery

scheduled delivery

next day delivery

To make a delivery, to accept a delivery, to receive a delivery and you can have a delivery service

Number nine is estimate

you can have a rough estimate, a preliminary estimate which means an early estimate

a realistic estimate

a reasonable estimate

a conservative estimate which means a cautious estimate, you can give an estimate and you can provide an estimate

Number ten is


you can have a lack of experience or

wealth of experience which is lots of experience

you can have

Considerable experience, which means the same thing

you can have valuable experience or

hands-on experience

Which someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or studying, it you can also have personal

rewarding experience

and unforgettable experience

You can also learn from experience and gain experience

Number eleven is knowledge

You can have working knowledge

technical knowledge

First-hand knowledge, which you get from seeing something yourself

You can acquire knowledge

gain knowledge

Apply knowledge and broaden knowledge which means increase knowledge

You can also use the phrase to the best of one’s knowledge, which means as far as one knows

To the best of my knowledge is as far as I know

Number 12 is loss. You can have heavy loss, significant loss or huge loss

Number 13 is market

you can have a competitive, market a foreign market

a global market

an international market, a black market which is an illegal or unofficial market

an expanding market

a growing market, a stock market and you can talk about market value

market conditions, the market leader and to be in the market

Number fourteen is mistake

You can have a big mistake a huge mistake a terrible mistake an honest mistake a common mistake

You can make a mistake. You can repeat a mistake

You can learn from a mistake and you can say an easy mistake to make

Number Fifteen is payment

you can say an annual payment, a monthly payment

an interest payment, a down payment which is a deposit. You can make a payment

you can receive a payment, you can stop a payment, you can demand payment and you can say

payment in advance

Number 16 is price

you can say a high price or an exorbitant price which means an overly high price

a low price

a reasonable price, the right price

asking price

half price

retail price

cut prices

You can quote someone on a price

something can go up in price and you can talk about a price range, a price increase

a price rise, a price cut and a price war

Number 17 is production

You can increase production, you can have production costs. You can talk about mass production

You can start production and you can stop production

Number 18 is profit

You can have gross profit, which is the difference between the revenue and cost

You can have first second third and fourth quarter profit

You can have annual profit. You can make a profit

You can generate a profit, you can maximize profit and you can talk about the profit margin

Number 19 is risk you can have high or low risk

You can have big risk, you can have considerable or calculated risk

You can talk about a safety or health risk. You can minimise risk you can take a risk

You can run the risk of something. You can do something at one’s own risk and you can outweigh the risk of something

Number twenty is salary you can have a high or a low salary. You can have a competitive salary

A starting salary . An annual or monthly salary. You can receive a salary and you can have a salary cut .

Now it’s time for the quiz

I’m going to give you a sentence and I’ll give you some time to think about what should fill the gap

Don’t forget to share your scores in the comments down below

Right. That’s it for today’s lesson. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learnt something

Don’t forget to connect with me on all of my social media

I’ve got my facebook my Instagram and my Twitter and I shall see you soon for another lesson