22 Business English Acronyms Abbreviations You NEED

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy today i’m going to

teach you short and fast business

english this video is going to be

absolutely packed full of vocabulary and

phrases that you can use at work in a

business environment at university at

school basically anywhere but it’s

strictly about the topic of business

quickly before we get started I would

like to thank the sponsor of today’s

video it is lingo de with their brand

new business English courses if you

haven’t heard me mention lingo de before

it’s an online language Academy which

offers 24/7 classes with native

qualified teachers a lot of you have

been telling me that you’re learning

English to improve your chances of

getting a job or to advance in the

workplace if that’s the case for you

then business English is what you need

and lingo to have just launched a new

business English course business English

is a specialist form of English it

teaches you how to communicate in the

workplace write emails conduct meetings

and also addresses the cultural

differences between various

english-speaking workplaces for example

the differences between the UK the US

and then international businesses this

course is for intermediate speakers and

above and consists of 90 classes across

six months and you pay just once the

course opens the door to careers all

across the globe it helps with visa and

residency applications and it looks

fantastic on any CV so there’s a one-off

payment of 999 euros which sounds like a

lot and remember that’s one lump sum but

if you divide it up that’s 11 euros for

an hour-long class in the comfort of

your own home in small group settings

and if you’re not completely sure you

can get a free one hour trial class then

you will definitely know if the course

is for you to sign up click on the link

in the description box and use my

voucher code loose EBE for a 50 euro

discount right let’s get on with the


okay so what is something that almost

everyone has to deal with at work

unless you work in like a manual labor

position emails emails are so boring and

so necessary luckily we have found a

clever way of making emails less boring

and less lengthy acronyms and

abbreviations so I’m going to talk you

through a massive load of acronyms and

abbreviations that are really commonly

used in business English primarily it’s

really important for you to understand

them and also if you feel comfortable

with them and you feel like you’re in

the right situation you can use them as

well so I’m going to put the

abbreviations and acronyms on the screen

and then I’m going to give you a little

bit of time so you can use your brains

and see if you can work out what they

mean before I show you the answer

get out your tablet or your notepad and

pen you’re going to want to write these

down and review them later also as

always your homework and yes we do have

homework and online free English classes

on YouTube your homework is to comment

down below with any extra that you think

I’ve missed and that way we can all

learn from each other right let’s begin

with a couple of abbreviations number

one a V on its own ver I invert the hot

the hot what do you think it means it

means very I am very pleased with the

outcome number two what do you think

this one means it means business could

you send that to my business email

address number three this one it means

corporation the corporation tax is going

to be high this year number four what

does this one mean it means Department

tell the marketing department I’m not

happy number five what do you think this

one means

it means limited as in limited company

for example Fine Foods Limited have

called again

number six deaf I bet you can guess this

one I bet you can means definitely I

deaf one to hire him I definitely want

to hire him we also in a this is

strictly slang this is not workplace

speak we can say deaf Oh as well I deaf

I want to go but that’s not an emails

that’s a little bit too casual number

seven what do you think this one means

it means perfect that looks perfect to


number eight this one it means with are

you coming with me and number nine Oh

what could this one be it means without

or are you going without me right let’s

go on to the acronyms acronyms of

pronounceable words formed from the

first letter of each word contained

within them so these acronyms will be

found in emails that we found in text

speak but people use them to save time

they might be used a little bit more in

internal emails if you’re talking to

clients it’s not so polite to use these

acronyms number one tbh what does this

mean it means to be honest to be honest

I don’t think the client will care

number two

NBD what do you think it means it means

no big deal no big deal I’ll do it


number three e OD

this is an important one and I remember

feeling confused by it when I first

started working in an office aged 17 18


it means end of day I need the report by

end of day today number four I am Oh

sometimes I am H oh I wonder if that

helps it means in my opinion or the H in

my honest opinion in my opinion it’s not

worth your time

number five LMK let me know when you’ve

worked that one out oh she said it it

means let me know okay let me know if

you need any help

number six oh I’m kidding it’s just Oh

what does it mean it means out of the

office out of office and this is

normally the thing that you will get as

a response if you email someone and

they’re on holiday the response will be

automatic ooo until the 6th of July I’m

out of office until the 6th of July I am

out of office on holiday call my manager

if it’s urgent

number 7 POC what you think it means it

means point of contact do you have a

point of contact for that company number

8 TOS have a guess oh I’m a poet and I

didn’t even realize it I know it should

be I’m a poet and I don’t know it anyway

it means Terms of Service have you

checked the Terms of Service for any

loopholes number nine one of my personal

favorites because it can be so

passive-aggressive TDLR if you use

reddit you’ll know about this

it’s part of reddit etiquette it means

too long didn’t read I love it too long

didn’t read too long didn’t read can you

send me a summary someone sends you

pages and pages of emails oh my god

there’s nothing I hate more than

receiving an essay and then having to

read on number ten ASAP or as some

people say sap what do you think it

means and actually is there an

equivalent for this acronym in your

language I’d love to know because it

seems so commonplace in the UK it means

oh and the US it means as soon as

possible I need that on my desk ASAP

number eleven ETA this one’s good I use

it a lot especially to will when I want

to know well I want to know what his

estimated time of arrival is yeah what

time he’s coming home

ETA estimated time of arrival what’s

your ETA to the office what’s your

estimated time of arrival to the office

the next one

q1 q2 q3 q4 what do they will mean these

are important in business they mean

quarter one quarter two quarter three

and quarter four it’s the three months

sections of the year that’s how most

businesses generally work they look at

the first quarter that’s January to

March etc etc so profits were down in q2

profits are down in quarter two the last

one I see why am I

Akemi don’t try and pronounce that no

one does that it’s just written it means

in case you missed it in case you missed

it here are the pictures from the

Christmas party ah

I once disgraced myself at a Christmas

party but that’s a story for another day


that was your lesson on short and fast

business English don’t forget to connect

with me on all of my social

Media I’ve got my Facebook I’ve got my

Instagram and I’ve got my Twitter and I

will see you soon for another lesson

yeah well I’m filming well I’m just

filming short and fast business English

we’re gonna say that okay

