How to be Persuasive in English Basic English Phrases

okay there’s no sound stand by we’re

fixing it there’s no sound sorry one

moment and then it’s okay sound is okay

okay sorry about that sound should be


sound should be okay now I think good if

you missed it for the first couple

seconds there sorry there was no sound

today’s topic is going to be supporting

your ideas supporting your ideas so as

you join please don’t forget to like and

share the video so other people can find

it and we’ll begin in just a moment as

always we have free stuff for you this

week so please don’t forget to check the

link below the video on youtube and

above the video on Facebook for lots of

free vocabulary and phrase PFT’s we’re

going to begin in just a moment we’ll

give other people a chance to join us so

send a message in the chat I see some of

you on YouTube hi Dario and Peter and

Bernardo good thank you for letting us

know about the sound issue I’m gonna go

to Facebook I haven’t looked at Facebook

yet uh it’s Facebook on I thought I saw

it is Facebook on okay

Facebook is mysterious we don’t know yet

okay for now you do hi you do uh I had

can I share my thing or no yes okay I

wanted to share something I shared this

yesterday on Instagram but I hope lots

of people participate yesterday we shot

our monthly review video in here if you

have not seen the monthly review video

that is a like a monthly a monthly video

where we talk about learning like

strategies how to learn some ways to

help you make study plans in some ways

to make your studying better so last

week Facebook’s up cool oh great okay so

this last month we got some great

submissions from you all our viewers

next month our March monthly review so

you can begin planning now we’ve asked

well our challenge for March is to send

us an audio or a video

file telling us about where you’re from

so I think it’s going to be really cool

to get lots of messages from around the

world from different countries so if you

want to participate in next month’s

March Li review March Li next once

monthly review in March please send us

an audio or a video file you can find

the details for this in the monthly

review videos on the English class 101

YouTube page so please participate this

would be really cool I really enjoy

getting messages from around the world

that’s awesome

great okay fantastic face book - book

sorry about that little hiccup that

little trouble there yes this is

American English it is American English

today we’re talking about how to support

your ideas and persuade people great I

see lots of people on Facebook now

fantastic I am gonna share the video and

then I am gonna begin the lesson share I

hope if you like to you can share it

with me share good okay then it’s keep

all right let’s begin today’s topic then

so as I said today’s topic is sharing

your ideas so I want to begin this

lesson by looking at this diagram I made

here so this is not this is something I

created just for this lesson so it’s

just a way to help you organize your

thoughts so this pyramid the shape is

I’ve called it a pyramid here I’ve built

this so that we can understand the best

ways to try to support our opinions so

here at the top the top here this top

piece will be your idea so this is your

idea or your opinion so what is the

thing you want to share what do you want

to convince someone of so in this case

for today’s lesson I chose this idea

smartphones we don’t have to zoom out

smartphones are harmful to if this is

actually our health we’ll see in a


smartphones are harmful to our health

okay thank you so our phones are harmful

to our health so this is our idea for

the lesson so how do we support this

idea if this is my opinion how do I

support that so idea is of course our

main topic then we can support it with

many different strategies so this middle

part here includes first is part your

past experiences so your past

experiences your personal experiences

what have you done or what have you seen

what have you heard your past

experiences so you can use this to

support your idea you can also use the

opinions of your family members your

friends your co-workers your colleagues

and so on so these two are kind of like

your personal relationships and your

personal experiences the things that you

have done so when you’re trying to

support an idea because these ideas

these like experiences are personal

these might be kind of weaker supports

so these are weaker supports so they’re

not such they’re not such strong ways to

support your idea like if you just talk

about your own experience it might be

difficult to persuade someone however

down here the base layer the bottom

layer the base layer here has some

stronger ways to support your idea so

for example your data your data so if

you have a business for example or if

you do research if you are collecting

data in some way you can use your data

to share your opinion or to support your

opinion so I’m going to talk about this

so this is like percentages numbers

increases decreases and so on another

good way to support your idea is with

studies and with research so studies and


we see these in like journals like we

read articles about studies we see this

in like magazines newspapers we see like

reporters gathering information or

researchers gathering information so

studies and research and this is by

others other people so studies and

research by others can be good to

support your idea in a strong way

because because it’s done by other

people if it’s personal research it

might feel a little different than

someone else’s research finally here

again if you are like a business or if

you have customers or if you have users

you can share customer feedback so for

example like if you write a book and

there are good reviews on for

your book you can talk about that kind

of customer feedback so these supports

are stronger supports stronger ways to

support your idea so I’m going to talk

today about this part and this part so

some patterns you can use for these two

things so sharing your personal

experiences and sharing your like other

experiences like data and research and

so on so as we go through today’s lesson

and as we go through the patterns that

you can use please do send some example

sentences in the chat I will try to

check them and we’ll look at how to

improve them as well okay good I see

lots of people have joined us now

fantastic fantastic so I’m gonna take

one quick break and then we’ll go to

this middle part this will be the first

part we focus on today okay so as I said

at the beginning of today’s lesson we

have free stuff as always I show I

showed some of these last week today

we’re talking about how to persuade

someone of something or rather how to

persuade someone to do something ah

that’s a good question actually

I answered this in the ask Alicia a

while ago the difference between

persuade and convince to persuade

someone is used when we want someone to

take action so like persuade someone to

do something convince is used when we

want to change someone’s idea about

something like convince someone of

something convince someone that

smartphones are harmful to our health

for example it’s a persuade action

convinced idea that’s the difference

okay bonus both can anyway I wanted to

remind you if you haven’t seen it yet

about the business English there is a

business English PDF so I’ve shown this

before but there are so many of you I

know that oh yeah we’re studying that

are studying for work for your career

opportunities so on the back this is the

business English PDF so there’s

vocabulary words here yes but on the

back there are expressions for a

business meeting

sorry it’s difficult to see this says ah

there we go phrases for a business

meeting so here these are expressions

that you can use to agree to disagree

and so on so here for example we are

here today - sorry it’s hard to see

we’re here today to do something so this

is uh these are some patterns that you

could use these are some patterns that

you could use as you’re trying to

present your idea so if you’re using

English at work or if you’re giving

presentations in English these could be

some some good phrases to know some good

introductory phrases to know aside from

this I am going to teach a live stream

about presentation related English on

February 21st so you can join that too

but this could be a really good one

the business English PDF for supporting

ideas and persuading people okay to do

things or convincing people okay so with

that let’s continue to the first kind of

group of patterns the first set here

so if you’re just joining today we’re

talking about ways to support your ideas

and persuade people please make sure to

like and share the video if you have not

already okay let’s go on I want to talk

now about this part so this group here

how do we share our past experiences and

how do we share like the opinions of our

family members and our friends first I

want to show two patterns you can use to

talk about your personal experiences

personal experiences means things you

use specifically you did in your life

you have done in your life so two very

common patterns that we use first it’s

hard to see I have this one time if it’s

hard to see you can make the video

bigger thank you thank you

I hope that wasn’t thank you that wasn’t

direction to you okay first this one

time so I have one time in parentheses

here so oh sorry this should be mmm

it should be I put my parentheses in the

wrong spot this is given me here so one

time one time I past tense verb so

native speakers tend to use this

expression one time to refer to

something they have the experience of

doing one time just one time only one

time so they want to talk about like a

crazy story that happened to them or

something interesting it happened one

time so we use this one time or

sometimes we drop this and just say one

time I so for example this one time I

left my smartphone at home and I was

really anxious anxious anxious means

like kind of nervous excited like you

feel like you want to do something but

you can’t like get your energy out but

it’s like a bad feeling that’s anxious

anxious so this one time I left my

smartphone at home

so this shows the speaker one time left

his or her smartphone at home

left here I left L EFT is the past tense

form of the verb leave to leave

something at home like I left my phone

over there on the desk for example I

left my smartphone at home

past tense verb so this one time I left

my smartphone at home and I felt anxious

so this is a past tense pattern this one

time or just one time so if you have an

example sentence send it through and I

will try to check okay but sometimes

here sometimes we want to talk about

something that we do regularly so it’s

not just a past tense situation maybe

yes we did it

in the past but we do the same thing now

how do we express this we use present

tense we use present tense to talk about

regular activities so this is a great at

very common pattern sometimes I present

tense verb so this is a key point a key

difference here regular action present

tense verb so don’t change your verb no

need to conjugate the verb here for

example sometimes I forget to do things

because I spend too much time on my

phone so here my verb is forget present

tense not forgot

sometimes I forgot know sometimes I

forget sometimes I forget this present

tense shows it happens now sometimes I

do this now sometimes I forget now

sometimes I forget present tense ready

so some of you have sent a few nice okay

someone said one time I forgot to feed

my cat sorry that sucks that’s too bad

one time good okay one time I forgot uh

Shack Oh on YouTube you said one time I

missed one time I forgot my guitar pick

and had to play with my fingers so

instead of the verb missed there use

forgot forgot otherwise perfect nice

someone else said sometimes I join

Alicia’s livestream cool but sometimes I


use your present tense verb you’ve got

it in the progressive tense Maya

sometimes I join not joining sometimes I

join and no am here you don’t need a

verb right here sometimes I join is


is correct okay others Facebook someone

on facebook said sometimes I forget to

study books sometimes I forget to study

the book okay good

sometimes I forget sometimes I forget

make sure your verbs are simple present

tense here simple present tense many of

you are using past tense use simple

present tense here sometimes I forget

sometimes they forget so this is a big

point maybe for some of you sometimes I

forget present tense sometimes I forget

to share this dream okay good good all

right let’s move along so second point

here I said the second point for this

part was going to be about sharing other

people’s opinions how do you share

family members colleagues co-workers

friends opinions again I want to talk

about two patterns that we use a lot

first my plus person so person here I

put person in brackets to mean you can

replace this with any person in your

life my aunt my uncle my friend my

coworker my boss my best friend can my

control desk person for the day is

nothing to do my jokes my person said

something my person said something so

here for example my friend said that

smart phones emit radiation so again if

you’re just joining this is our topic

for today our opinion my friend said

that smart phones emit radiation okay

top vocabulary here emit this word a MIT

Amit Amit means like to give off

something so to emit like you can emit

like a smell you can emit a sound


here radiation radiation is like a

dangerous very very small substance

that’s like bad for our health so like a

nuclear power plant gives off radiation

or maybe cellphones give off radiation I

know but my friend said that smart

phones emit radiation here another point

that lots of you have asked questions

about before this said I have it here in

past tense my friend said you may hear

this used in present tense for example

my friend says so what’s the difference

here when you use said when you use a

simple past tense here when you use said

it’s like that thing happened once in

the past so my friend said this thing

one time and it’s done if however you

use the present tense it’s referring to

something they often say my friend says

so it’s like a topic they talk about a

lot you’ll see this sort of thing in the

news a lot so politicians when we talk

about politicians in the news we see

this used a lot like Trump says blah

blah blah it’s because it’s something he

regularly says so when you see this

present tense used it’s referring to a

regularly stated thing when you see past

tense used it’s like maybe once just

once so this is the difference someone

said what is omit so again the word

admit II MIT means like to give off

something usually like a smell something

we can’t see but it’s like a smell or a

sound or some kind of small substance to

emit something to emit something good

examples are coming in my friend says I

need to practice more English Carolina

that was perfect on YouTube next one

okay sometimes I forget to watch you

teaching oh no please join us

good ones everybody okay sometimes I

want to watch your teaching but it’s

boring hahaha it’s a joke hey hey

it’s the control does your on that okay

all right uh let’s see what else other


always live class hashtag not funny this

is control desk that’s funny

my parents say pay attention when you

arrived in America that’s a pretty

that’s a pretty good idea I would say oh

I have one more here I want to talk

about and then we’ll take one more break

I heard from I heard from this is the

second pattern I want to talk about here

a pronunciation point for many of you

this part heard past tense here

past tense here becomes heard heard not

heared I sometimes hear students say

that heared heard heard so imagine

there’s no a imagine there’s not an a

here it’s heard heard oh sorry

heard heard like a herd of animals heard

H er D is the word we use to talk about

a group of animals on a farm like herd

of cows a herd of sheep okay anyway I

heard from again person so the person in

your life you can use the same present

tense change we talked about here like I

hear from so and so if you’re like

regularly hearing the same sorts of

things so I heard from person blah blah

blah so for example I heard from my

friend that smartphones emit radiation

we can use the same pattern here

so I heard or this person said or says

so these are probably the most common

ways to report experiences or to report

opinions from other people in our lives

so if you have examples send them along

my friend said that I need to stop

watching Netflix why too much Netflix

too much binge watching binge watching

is a great word for Netflix to binge

watch means to watch a lot of things all

in a row like to binge watch all of

Battlestar Galactica is passed I collect

it on Netflix do you know

okay anyway my friends I need to stop

watching Netflix that was perfect good

uh other things where can i watch or

receive all your movies please go to our

YouTube channel that’s a Facebook

comment English class 101 on YouTube is

where you can see everything ok I heard

from my friends that I can be better if

I focus oh ok maybe that’s a good that’s

a good point for all of us perhaps I

think all right ah I heard from others

you’re the best teacher woohoo you

should tell that to the guy who sent the

boring joke earlier on Facebook who is

that lord

Jorge Zed great ok let’s take a quick

break and then we’ll finish with the

last set of patterns about this part

down here data studies research customer

feedback all that jazz alright I wanted

to share some more stuff if you missed

it earlier I talked about this one the

business English PDF you missed it for

those of you who are studying for work

purposes I think these are some great

expressions you can use in business

meetings and also as I said join our

livestream on February 21st to learn

about I’m guessing here to learn about

some other presentation related phrases

and then I wanted to share where did it

go the family we have another one that I

wanted to show that is your family and

relatives so I mentioned in this second

point that you can replace like a person

in this pattern like my person said my

friend said so if you need a refresher

on your family members we have one PDF

for family members people in your family

so check this out if you want a family

member one actually on the business one

this is great too on the business one

there’s also a list of job titles

these are very common job titles so this

could be useful this is a lot anyway

back here hello ok let’s finish up today

then with this base part I’ve got a few


I’ve got a few little patterns we’re

talking about this bass part down here

like the stronger ways to support your

opinions so I’m gonna finish there if

you’re just joining today we’re talking

about how to support your ideas or

persuade people of things if you missed

it the difference between persuade and

convince is that we persuade someone to

take action we convince someone of an

idea so if you have not please make sure

to like and share the video so other

people can find it okay

Ernesto says when you have time could

you teach us the infinitive and gerund

form yes check out the know your verbs

series I talked a lot about the invented

infinitive form I would like to do

something about gerron’s it’s a very

tricky topic for sure that is on my mind

though Thanks okay let’s go to the last

point for today’s lesson so I said that

these three down here are kind of the

stronger ways to support your ideas

using data data that you have from your

business from whatever you do using

studies and research to talk about your

topic and using customer feedback so

whatever that means for you maybe not

customers but maybe feedback from people

who like participate in your offense or

who have read your book

or read your work and so on so a few

patterns here first I want to talk about

these that we use for data for news for

research so for those of you who are

studying and using English in like

universities or you need to use it in an

academic setting this is really good for

your writing the expression is according

to source according to source so source

this word is kind of open but this can

mean a source can mean an author like

according to according to president

Trump blah blah blah something was said

today this can be a publication so

publication means a like

written thing where people share ideas

so that’s books and newspapers magazines

like online magazines according to the

New York Times according to Time

magazine this can be a source as well so

you can use like the name of a journal

here according to ABC Journal this is

true so your source can be a person an

author it can be a publication there are

lots of different things that you can

use here but this according to is a more

formal way to explain where your source

is or who your source is so according to

so-and-so again thinking about how to

support this this is our argument for

today’s smartphones are harmful to our

health so according to Time magazine

smartphones decrease our ability to

concentrate copy ok smartphones decrease

our ability to concentrate so if I were

writing a paper I would use this and I

would cite my source I’m not going to

talk about this today I want to do a

live stream about this in the future to

cite to cite a source to cite a source

means to include a written reference to

your source in your paper ok I’m running

out of time so I’m gonna finish quickly

second and third similarly if you want

to mention a journal article something

you read in a newspaper something you

read online what’s the difference

between citing and quoting I think just

wave the clock at me and tell me didn’t

have time ok I’ve read an article about

topic I read an article about topic so

here you can include your main idea that

you’re arguing for so I read an article

about smart phones I read an article

about smart phones being harmful to our

health I read an article about smart

phones emitting radiation whatever it is

you want to support put it here I read

an article about the topic so this is

for written information online or in a


third in publication in publication

this word publication publication so in

this newspaper in this magazine on this

blog probably not a blog in this journal

author author means the person who wrote

something this is a really good

pronunciation point to that th sound

author author th author in publication

author there are three words here wrote

suggested and stated so you’ll notice

all of these are past tense because

we’re talking about something this

author previously like wrote previously

said in their paper or in in this

publication so for example in Time

magazine Beyonce suggested that

smartphones are harmful to your health I

don’t know why Beyonce’s talking about

that but for example so if Beyonce read

an article in Time magazine this is how

I would describe the article if in Time

magazine Beyonce suggested smartphones

are harmful to your health so what’s the

difference between wrote suggested and

stated wrote is just very clearly words

on a screen like words on in text

suggested means they didn’t explicitly

say something explicitly means clearly

directly they didn’t directly say

something stated is more used in speech

but you can use it for like more formal

writing so if you’re reading like a PhD

thesis for example you might use stated

in in this paper Professor X stated that

Wolverine is a good mutant okay I have

to finish so these are really good as I

said for data for news and for research

try using these patterns if you do

academic writing in English these are

very important and don’t forget to cite

sources I’m trying to think of a way to

do a live stream for this because this

is something super important if you’re

doing studies in the you

okay yeah dinar on Facebook says

according to my point of view you are so

enthusiastic yes I think that’s accurate

um other things according to a French TV

show the telephone is harmful to

children’s health nice one lease on

Facebook that was perfect according to a

French TV show telephones telephones are

harmful okay we’ll finish today because

I’m late

we’ll finish today with this last point

customer feedback customer feedback I’ve

just got one very simple pattern that I

hope is helpful for business situations

or if like I said you wrote a book or

you made a product somewhere which is

this one we’ve received percentage

something feedback so here in this space

include like positive or negative

feedback so positive feedback means

people were happy with the thing that

you did

negative feedback means people were not

happy with the thing that you did we’ve

received as well this part we’ve this is

we have we have this means since we made

our products since we did our thing and

up to now we have received up to this

point like 20% negative feedback or we

have received 90% positive feedback from

users from customers from people who

read the book and so on so this is one

quick and easy pattern I hope you can

use in many different situations I’m

very late so I’m gonna stop 33 minutes


we’ll finish there for today I hope that

this was helpful for you just some

patterns you can use to express your

ideas hi so thanks very much for

watching this week if you let’s see I

still need to say what next week’s topic


it is it is how to eat at a restaurant

that’s right how do you think a

restaurant so this means ways to like

order how to ask for things without

stuff general like the the

back-and-forth that you have with staff

at restaurants so please join us next

week that will be February 13th

Wednesday February 13th 9 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that’s New York City time

so if you don’t know that time in your

local time please google it um thank you

as always for liking and sharing the

video we really appreciate it and thank

you for sending your example sentences

do send your questions along as well

I’ll check the chat in the meantime go

download all your free stuff that I

talked about in this lesson you can pick

this up for free from English class alright I will finish there so

thank you as always for joining us enjoy

your day enjoy your week and I will see

you again next time bye bye
