Telephone English Speaking Course Business English Course Lesson 6

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy today we’re going to

be discussing telephone english

if you work in an office or want to work

in an office chances are you’ll have to

answer the telephone or at the very

least take a telephone interview in this

lesson I’m going to give you lots of

vocabulary and set phrases that you can

use on the telephone I’ll give you some

tips on making yourself understood on

the telephone and I’ll give you some

telephone interview tips right let’s get

started with the lesson let’s start by

discussing what you should say when

taking a telephone call obviously you

should start with hello good morning or

good afternoon you can also say your

name speaking how may I help you

for example hello cut-price hair salon

Lucy speaking how may I help you you can

also say this is your name as another

way of saying your name speaking for

example good morning athlete’s foot

trainer shop this is Lucy speaking how

may I help you now what should you say

when you are making a call well you

should always start with hello then you

can say this is your name from your


for example hello this is Lucy from book


now let’s discuss asking for somebody

you could say may I speak to and then

the person’s name for example may I

speak to Josh

you could also say I’d like to speak to

name please

for example I’d like to speak to Josh


or you could say is name there for

example is Josh there or his name

available for example is Josh available

now let’s talk about giving a reason for

calling you could say I’m calling to ask

about I’m calling to ask about opening

hours I’m calling to discuss I’m calling

to discuss prices or I’m calling to

clarify I’m calling to clarify the

fixtures you can also say I just wanted

to ask for example I just wanted to ask

if you need any more stationery what

about asking for information you could

say could you tell me for example could

you tell me when you’re closing today

now let’s discuss taking messages you

could say could I ask who’s calling

please or I’m sorry she’s not here today

could I take a message

and I’m afraid he’s not available at the

moment can I take a message

or even I’ll give her your message as

soon as she gets back now let’s talk

about leaving messages you could say can

you please take a message or please tell

him that his parcels have been delivered

and I’d like to leave him a message

another thing you really should practice

if you’re going to have to speak on the

phone is making small talk the most

common one is I Luke how are you but you

can also discuss the weather for example

so how’s the weather where you are or a

common topic for example have you seen

that new pizza place in town or you can

ask about location for example

whereabouts are you calling from asking

for repetition

you could say could you spell that for

me please or how do you spell that

please and let me see if I’ve got that


you could also say would you mind

speaking up a bit I can’t hear you very


and you could even say I’m sorry I

didn’t catch your first name

part of the lesson we’re going to talk

about spelling things on the phone to

spell things on the phone we use the

NATO phonetic alphabet you’ll need to

learn this off by heart every letter in

the alphabet has a corresponding word a

alpha alpha B Bravo Bravo

see Charlie Charlie D delta delta e echo

echo F Foxtrot Foxtrot G golf golf H

Hotel hotel I India

India J Juliet Juliet K kilo kilo L Lima

Lima M Mike Mike n November November Oh


Oscar P papa

Papa Q


québec ah

Romeo Romeo s Sierra Sierra T tango

tango you uniform uniform v Victor

Victor W whiskey whiskey X x-ray x-ray

why Yankee Yankee Zed

Zulu if you stay on until the end of the

lesson you might find that there’s a

quiz now let’s discuss ending the call

you could say thank you very much for

your help

you could also say thanks for calling

and you could say thanks for your time

now I’m going to give you some tips for

telephone job interviews the biggest tip

I can give you is to smile because when

you smile whilst talking it comes across

over the phone you can always tell when

someone is smiling even if you can’t see

them the second tip is to have notes

have everything you might need to

reference right in front of you and have

it organized so that you can access it

easily tip number three is pick a

suitable location you don’t want to be

in a cafe or anywhere with background

noise you also don’t want to be

distracted tip number four is always

have water nearby you might have a dry

throat tip number five is don’t be

afraid to ask for repetition or

clarification use the phrases we

discussed previously and the last tip

tip number six is take notes yourself

you might need them for a follow-up

interview okay now it’s time for a quiz

I’m going to spell out a word as I would

on the telephone using the NATO alphabet

there are five questions in total write

your answers in the comments down below

number one spell out the word as I say

it kilo-alpha Romeo echo November

number two what does this say Bravo

uniform Sierra India November echo

Sierra Sierra number three what about

this Mike uniform Hotel alpha

Mike Mike Alpha Delta number four can

you work this one out tango echo Lima

echo Papa Hotel Oscar November echo and

number five can you understand this last

one Sierra uniform Bravo Sierra Charlie

Romeo India Bravo echo that’s it for the

quiz make sure you share your answers in

the comments down below I will be

checking right that’s it for today’s

lesson I hope you enjoyed it I hope you

learnt something don’t forget to connect

with me on all of my social media I’ve

got my facebook I’ve got my Instagram

and I’ve got my Twitter and I shall see

you soon for another lesson

