Learn the Top 10 Things to Do at the Office in English

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hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is Alisha and today we’re going

to talk about 10 things to do at the

office these are going to be 10 verbs or

10 expressions with verbs in them that

you can use when you are at the office

let’s go check email the first

expression is check email to check email

means just to look and see if you have

new messages or you need to write a

message or is there new information that

you need to be aware of so just to check

your email is to check the information

that has been sent to you in a sentence

I check email throughout the day make

copies the next expression is make

copies make copies so to make a copy

means to go to the copy machine and put

your document on the machine and then

you duplicate it anyway make copies to

make copies of a document is to

duplicate the document using the copy

machine using the copy machine in a

sentence can you make four copies of

this schedule a meeting scheduled a

meeting schedule a meeting so to

schedule a meeting means to create a

meeting and tell the other people about

the meeting at that specific time to

schedule a meeting so to make a plan for

a meeting essentially in a sentence I’ll

schedule the meeting for 11:00 tomorrow

take make a call the next is actually a

pair you have take a call and make a

call so to take a call means to receive

a call so a phone call comes to you make

a call however it means the call comes

from you like I need to make a call to

my mother today or I need to make a call

to the client later this afternoon in

the reverse you can say I really need to

take this call okay in sentence I need

to take this call write a report the

next expression is write a report write

a report so we do this after 8:00

has finished something has been

completed we need to write about that

task and the results so we write a

report about that thing in a sentence

I’ve got a few reports to write by the

end of the day attend a meeting the next

expression is attend a meeting attend

the meeting so attend means go to or

attend means participate essentially so

attend a meeting means go to the meeting

participate in the meeting in a sentence

please attend the staff meeting on

Friday have a conference call the next

expression is have a conference call

have a conference call a conference call

means a phone call with many

participants so this can mean

participants from your company sharing

like the phone in one room many people

using one phone on speakerphone so that

everyone in the room can listen so

there’s that but the person on the end

of the line the person on the other end

of the line in this case might be one

person or it might be another group of

people or it might be several groups all

speaking on the same phone call so a

conference call means a phone call or

perhaps a video call with many different

participants in a sentence we have a

conference call scheduled for three


submit a time sheet the next expression

is submit a time sheet submit a time

sheet so as to submit is like to present

to give your boss or to give a manager a

time sheet a time sheet is a record of

your working hours so what time did you

start work and what time did you finish

work so submitting that it might be

something you do at the end of the month

in a sentence please submit your

timesheet by the end of the week clock

in clock out the next expression is

another pair of expressions its clock in

and clock out these are the expressions

we use when we start work and we record

it in a time system and we end work and

we record the time so when we clock in

is when we come to the office and we

begin work when we arrive at the office

we clock in

we register we are at work we are at the

office we clock out when we leave the

office at the end of the day in a

sentence don’t forget to clock in and

clock out every day go to lunch the next

expression is go to lunch go to lunch so

not well you can say eat lunch but if

you say go to lunch it sounds a little

bit more friendly a little more casual

so to go to lunch means to take your

lunch break I’m gonna go to lunch in a

sentence we’re gonna go to lunch

want to come those are ten things to do

at the office is there something else

that you do at the office or an

expression you’ve heard at the office

that you’re confused about let us know

in the comments if you liked the video

don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and

make sure to subscribe to our channel if

you haven’t already you can also check

us out at English class 101.com for some

more resources thank you very much for

watching this episode of top words I

will see you again soon bye


this is my coffee it makes that sound my

coffee machine makes a sound making

copies making copies making copies yeah

that was good ring right it’s hard to

make a copy machine sound effect gotta

work on that one because surely that has

lots of applications
