British Holidays Christmas

hi everyone I’m Gina it’s getting cold
there are lights and decorated trees

everywhere you look that can only mean
that it’s nearly the 25th of December

and nearly Christmas Day in this lesson
you’re going to learn about how

Christmas is celebrated in Britain if we
think of Christmas we think of snow

scenes but do you know what the
definition of a white Christmas in the

UK is we’ll show you the answer at the
end of this video one of the most famous

Christmas traditions and the one that
causes the most stress is exchanging

gifts children get excited to see what
present Santa Claus will leave for them

under the Christmas tree and leave
brandy and the mince pie out for him on

Christmas Eve for adults it means
braving busy stores to find the perfect

presents for those they love but always
remember it’s the thought that counts

christmas is a time for families to
gather together and central to this is

the Christmas dinner the whole family
sits down together to eat a heavy meal

of Turkey and all of the trimmings
followed by Christmas pudding for

dessert often we pull Christmas crackers
and inside these are terrible jokes

cheap presents and paper Christmas hats
after lunch while everyone is waiting

for the food to digest many people
switch on the TV and watch the special

Christmas programs and movies that are
broadcast the most famous of these is

the Queen’s Christmas speech it’s
broadcast simultaneously on the two

biggest TV channels in the UK the BBC
and ITV at 3:00 p.m. and the Queen

reviews a year and gives us a Christmas
message that usually speaks of tolerance

and forgiveness

if you send the letter to Santa and
address it to the North Pole then it

will go to the North Pole if you address
it to Santa’s grotto then instead it

will be answered by his British elves
and now I’ll give you the answer to the

earlier quiz if we think of Christmas we
think of snow scenes but do you know

what the definition of a white Christmas
in the UK is a Christmas is considered a

white Christmas in the UK if a single
snowflake falls on the roof of the

weather Centre in London during
Christmas Day it doesn’t matter how much

snow the rest of the country gets it
only counts if it snows at the London

Weather Center how is this lesson did
you learn something interesting do you

remember the name of the most famous
Christmas program leave us a comment at

English class
and we’ll see you in the next lesson bye