PART 1 mmmEnglish Making Baking at Christmas

hi guys I’m exhausted this week it has

been a long week the week before

Christmas is always so busy there are a

thousand things to do and definitely not

enough time to do them all in so this

week I’ve been shopping for presents and

wrapping presents and writing on cards

I’ve been visiting lots of friends who I

won’t see for a few weeks because

they’re going away to stay with their

families over Christmas and of course I

have been busy in the kitchen cooking

and preparing lots of food ready for the

big day so that’s kind of what I’ve been

doing all week Christmas Day is a really

special day for my family we’re so busy

and we live in different places but

sometimes it’s the only time in a whole

year that I’ll get to see my cousins and

my aunties and my uncles so I’m really

excited about Christmas Day we all have

our specialty dish that we bring to

Christmas so for example my grandma

makes delicious Christmas pudding no one

else is allowed to make the Christmas

pudding she always makes the Christmas

pudding and she serves it with brandy

cream and my uncle always prepares that

and I have an auntie who always roasts

the turkey I have another auntie who

brings calamari and prawns and delicious

things to cook on the barbecue my mum

always makes an ice cream pudding now

remember I’m in Australia so it’s summer

here and the traditional Christmas

pudding that my grandma makes is so hot

it’s perfect for winter Christmases but

in summer we also like to have ice cream

pudding as well and my mum makes a

delicious ice cream pudding and my

specialty is Christmas trifle made with

dark berries and lots of delicious cream

now in this busy week I’ve also managed

to catch up with a few friends who have

been preparing delicious Christmas gifts

for their friends and family so I’ve

managed to film a little bit of what

they were doing as well now if you’ve

been invited to share Christmas with

someone this year

then of course you should prepare

something delicious to take with you and

share on the table with everyone and

I’ve got some delicious recipes that you

can try I’m going to be sharing a few

different recipes with you today but all

of them are perfect to take as gifts on

Christmas Day to share with people you

love and care about now I’m going to

show you how to make that trifle so what

you’re going to need most importantly is

some fruit any type of sweet delicious

fruit is going to be okay but the best

type of fruit to use is berries so I

have some delicious boys and berries

they’re fresh they’re so tasty and

they’re so sweet

I’ve also got some raspberries so I’ll

be using them as well boys and berries

and raspberries so jelly is an important

part of trifle and I’m going to make my

own jelly from the berries you’ll need

750 grams of fresh berries 150 grams of

caster sugar 550 mils of water the seeds

of half of vanilla bean five gelatin

leaves that have been soaked in water or

you could also use gelatin powder we

also need 40 mils of limoncello half a

cup of pink Moscato and one lemon if we

only need one lemon and we’re going to

use the juice and also the rind which is

like the skin of the lemon and in

cooking it’s called zest lemon zest so

I’m going to use this really cool

kitchen tool to help me easily get the

skin off you see it looks like this so

I’m just going to collect all the rind

into the bowl and we can use it in the

cream so scrape the vanilla seeds into a

pot with the berries the water and the

castor sugar

and heat it on the stove simmering for

about 50 minutes until it looks like

this and then strain it into a glass

bowl so if you strain it you collect the

fruit separately like this and the

liquid is in the bottom then take your

gelatin leaves that have been soaking in

water and put them in the liquid and

stir until it’s dissolved

then add the limoncello the lemon juice

and the pink Moscato to the liquid there

is one more important part of a trifle

and that’s the bowl so make sure you’ve

got a glass bowl because at the end

we’re going to have a trifle that’s got

layers and layers of different colors

you can also make individual ones if you

wanted as well so you can use smaller

glass bowls just like this either way is

fine then use a ladle to put the first

layer of jelly into the glass bowl add a

little bit of the fruit that we strained

away from the liquid and cover it and

put it in the fridge to set then for the

cream you’ll need 600 grams of creme

fraiche 75 mils of milk add the rind or

the zest from the lemon and 20 grams of

pure icing sugar that’s been sifted

so put the creme fraiche into a larger

bowl then add the lemon zest the milk

the icing sugar and also add the seeds

of the other half of the vanilla pod

just scrape them out and add them to the

bowl too then combine them all with a

spoon mix it up so take your jelly out

of the fridge after a couple of hours so

it should be set and then add your next

layer of the cream to your trifle

then you’ll need to add your sponge

layer so you can make your own sponge if

you like but I just bought one from the

shop so it’s easy and just cut your

sponge to fit the shape of the bowl just

like this then add 40 mils of limoncello

across the top of the sponge it will

soak in and then add the next layer of

your jelly

cover it again and put it in the fridge

to set after a couple of hours you can

add the last layer of cream

and while you wait lick the bowl and

lastly you can garnish your trifle with

fresh summer berries so here is my

beautiful dark berry trifle it’s

delicious it looks amazing and it’s the

perfect gift to take and share with

friends at Christmas enjoy this now

let’s have a look at what some other

friends have been doing in the kitchen

click here to watch part two of this

video series where my friends make

delicious Christmas treats