PART 2 mmmEnglish Making Baking at Christmas

now in this busy week I’ve also managed

to catch up with a few friends who have

been preparing delicious Christmas gifts

for their friends and family this is Mel

and Jess so we’re going to make the

gingerbread first and then decorate them

and get them packaged up in nice little

presents for all of our friends Mel what

are you doing I’m about to separate the

eggs I’m going to separate the white

from the yolk so I can use the yolk in

the gingerbread like two cracker on a

flat surface just doesn’t doesn’t

shatter that’s a good tip I’m going to

put this aside yeah so we use the whole

egg there’s no waste so that’s in there

with what’s in there with the creamed

butter and sugar

and Jessica they go

smells good so then roll out the

gingerbread dough with a rolling pin it

should be about half a centimeter thick

we’re making Christmas trees and stars

out of gingerbread for Christmas

presents for our friends quite nice to

give a sweet treat to a friend just pop

and after about 20 minutes take them out

when they start to look golden let’s

lift them off the tray onto a wire tray

to let them cool then to make the icing

add icing sugar and the egg white

together and mix or whisk together to

get the right consistency add extra

icing sugar then it’s time for

decorating so you can add colors to the

icing so we’ve got green red and white

colored icing and we’re using small bags

that you can seal with the tiniest hole

cut in the corner to squeeze out the

icing and carefully decorate them

this is Helen and Diane what are you

making we are making Christmas mince

pies how long have you been making them

Oh about Silvius and following on from

my mother so we like them to give up to

us and make about 20 dozen in one day

and then we keep them away as our gifts

what’s in the midst iron this is made of

dried fruit a variety of dried fruit and

there’s some grated apple in there as

well lots of brandy and it’s that you do

use to it which is the fat come around

the kidneys of cow which makes it very

luxe so they’re filling each cake tin

with a small amount of pastry and a

spoonful of the minced fruit and then

covering it with a lid of pastry then

making a small hole in the top before

baking them in the oven when they’re

done let them cool on a wire rack and

then enjoy your delicious fruit mince

pies and lastly Christmas bacon hey sure

what are you doing I’m just making

Christmas presents I like making bacon

for people at

Stein so what I’m doing at the moment is

I’ve got these pieces of pork which have

been salted so I’m turning them into

bacon and what I’ve got to do is hang

them in my smoking cabinet and add some

nice smoky flavor to them so just got to

use this string and string them up you

can watch if you like

yeah people love bacon really

and the bacon that I make is really

really good so I like to give people

bacon as a Christmas present because

it’s nice to get something from that

somebody’s made rather than just

something that they bought in the shops

so this is something that I like to make

most people don’t actually know where

bacon comes from or like how it’s made

you just sort of buy it in a packet so I

think it’s nice for people to see and

you know kind of go try to think wow

that’s amazing that you actually made

that because I’m so used to just you

know buying it in a shop so yeah my

little thing I mean some people make

jams or they make cakes or they make all

sorts of other things as Christmas gifts

I’m a guy I’m a guy and I like making

bacon for people that weird

it’s going to be really good though

thanks guys

there is nothing more special than

getting a homemade Christmas gift I hope

I’ve given you a couple of small ideas

if you need to make something in the

next few days if you like this video

make sure you subscribe to my youtube

channel and you can also find me on

Facebook and Google+ which is where I

hang out

if you’re celebrating Christmas Merry

Christmas I hope you have a wonderful

day if you don’t celebrate Christmas

have a great weekend anyway and I will

see you next Thursday with another

english-language video bye for now