What do you eat on Christmas Day

hey guys it’s getting very close to

Christmas now so this episode of

question tube will help you to ask

English speakers about the special

things that they do on Christmas Day one

of my favorite questions to ask people

around Christmastime is what do you eat

on Christmas Day every family has their

own special meal and traditions that

they do every year and they’re all a

little bit different and I love hearing

people talk about it they get so excited

their eyes light up and they start

telling you all of this information

about things that they’re doing around

Christmas time so it’s a great way to

start a conversation in English okay

let’s work on the pronunciation first

what do you eat on Christmas Day now

it’s not common that you’ll hear all of

those words pronounced so clearly

together in the sentence you know that

in English sentences some words the more

important words are pronounced more

clearly and are stressed and some words

are reduced so you hardly hear them at

all this question has some good examples

of reduced forms keep the first sound of

the word what wha but stop at the T

don’t pronounce the T and go straight to

do why do why do why do good now don’t

pronounce do as clearly you need to

change the ooh sound to the schwa sound

ah duh duh instead of do water water

water good you also change the sound to

a schwa yeah yeah why do why do you what

are you what are you good what are you

what are you relax your mouth because

all of these sounds are blending

together worrier even relax your


whadya worrier what eeeh good ok so now

we need to move on to our main verb in

our sentence and it needs to be

pronounced clearly it’s a really

important word in our sentence

what are you eat so pronounce the whole

word eat what do you eat what do you eat

boo the other tricky word in this

question is Christmas now the CH sound

at the start of our word isn’t

pronounced the same as two like chips


it’s just pronounced cook so cook and an

our sound cur crew some of you might

have difficulty practicing this sound so

take your time Chris Chris Chris

Khris Khris good now forget the tea

just like in what before pretend it’s

not even there because we don’t

pronounce Christmas we pronounce

Christmas Christmas Christmas perfect

very good

now be careful about the preposition in

this sentence on Christmas Day on

Christmas Day not in and not at

Christmas Day because you’re talking

about a specific day use on just like

you would if you said on Monday on

Friday on your birthday on Christmas Day

you can change this question to mean

almost exactly the same thing with the

preposition at but you must drop day so

you can say what do you eat at Christmas

what do you eat at Christmas okay

so practice with me what do you what do

you eat what do you eat on what do you

eat on Christmas Day what do you eat on

Christmas Day what do you eat on

Christmas Day perfect your sounding

natural like a native speaker already

let me tell you the type of answer that

you should expect when you ask this

question so you’ve asked what do you eat

on Christmas Day

now you might hear the answer I eat but

most of the time you’ll hear we eat or

my family eats because Christmas is a

celebration that is shared with family

and friends okay ready to practice with

some native speakers let’s do it what do

you eat on Christmas Day Christmas Day I

come from a big family so usually if we

meet with my dad’s side for lunch and

then my mum’s side for dinner and

usually everybody brings a dish and

there yeah there’s definitely like ham

and then seafood and lots of fresh

salads and like fruit and what do you

have a dessert I think my grandma makes

a really good trifle and then like a

Christmas pudding with custard and yeah

champagne what do you eat on Christmas

Day a lot ham turkey cranberries

stuffing mashed potatoes and gravy green

bean casserole dinner rolls

probably corn and then for dessert

everything cookies and pumpkin pie and

apple pie cherry pie those are the

basics you always need those things for

for Thanksgiving and for Christmas

delish what do you eat on Christmas Day

we have a really big Christmas Oh

sometimes lunch sometimes dinner and

there’s always ham and turkey but and

also prawns and calamari because we

celebrate Christmas in Australia so we

always have seafood and lots of fresh

salads and even our Christmas pudding is

actually made out of ice cream so you

have a nice hot Christmas awesome work

guys all right let’s practice a

follow-up question so that you can have

it ready once you hear the answer to

your first question it’s always good to

have a follow-up question ready so you

can keep the conversation going

what else do you do on Christmas Day

this means what other things do you do

on Christmas Day we already know about

the food that they eat but we want to

know about that other special traditions

that they do with their family what else

do you do on Christmas Day usually we go

for a swim at the beach in the morning

because it’s summer so it’s nice and hot

and then we eat and we open presents

after we eat

so once everyone’s eaten and full and

then you have a break between the main

meal and dessert and that’s when we open

the presents do you know what’s awesome

about today’s practice you can use this

natural pronunciation with any question

that starts with what do you what ear

what do you think

what do you do what do you want

subscribe to my youtube channel and find

me on Facebook and Google+ to hangout

bye for now