5 Common British English Expressions Episode 2

hello my darlings it’s Lucia from

English with Lucy I never know quite

what to do in the introduction so I

thought a slide-in might be quite I

didn’t so everyone really seemed to like

my last video five common British

expressions so here is part two here are

five more common British expressions

that ask British people we use on a

daily basis very important news I now

have an Instagram which is learn English

with Lucy along with my Facebook and my

YouTube all the information will be

right here and for my Chinese followers

I know you’re watching me over in China

so I’ve created a Weibo I think it’s

pronounced like that Weibo way boat not

sure feel free to laugh at me but I’ve

created an account so that I can

communicate with you too so our first

common British expression is it’s and

Bob’s and this means various or

miscellaneous things so if someone asks

you what did you get for Christmas and

you just really got a mixture you can

say oh just bits and bobs really nothing

huge just general random things so the

next one is gobsmacked

and this means amazed or surprised or

shocked it’s kind of a mixture of all of

them so can you believe she left him or

can you believe he did that so I’m

absolutely gobsmacked it can be both

positive and negative so number three is

to lose the plot and this means to go

mad or to go crazy mad is another word

for crazy so I can’t believe you spent

300 pounds on a pair of socks you’ve

completely lost the plot this can be

used negatively and also affectionately

I’d often say to my mum if she spends

too much money that she’s completely

lost the plot I love you mum now we have

number four which is to take the mickey

we sometimes shortened Mickey to Mick to

take the mick and from so a more vulgar

version is to take the piss but I would

only use that in a colloquial situation

with my

friends not work or with people I need

to respect not that I don’t respect my

friends you know I mean not around

Authority so an example would be what

three English lessons with the nature of

English teacher are you taking the mick

the answer would of course be no it’s


just search English with Lucy okay and

last but not least we have to pass with

flying colors and this means to be very

successful in a test or selection

process and like a job interview and an

example of this would be Lucy past her

University exams with flying colors

yeah this was true and thank you for all

my subscribers that were so patient

whilst I was doing my university exams

because I didn’t upload any videos for

quite a long time but I’m back now so

you can enjoy many more lessons in the


now before we first