Normal English Vs Native English 25 COMMON ENGLISH PHRASES to sound like a NATIVE SPEAKER

good morning oh and in case i don’t see


good afternoon good evening and good




good luck break a leg

i’ll pay the bill it’s on me

how are you how’s it going

can i come tomorrow can i drop in


let’s meet today

let’s catch up today

are you mad are you out of mind

text me when you get free

hit me up when you get free


it’s time to study

it’s time to hit the books

sorry i fell asleep

sorry i nodded off

i’m very hungry

i’m starving

i’m very busy

i’m swamped

stop wasting time

stop faffing around

hurry up we’re getting late

chop chop we’re getting late

keep it a secret keep it under wraps

i like you a lot

i’m so into you

you are so lucky

you are so jammy

i’m very tired i’m worn out

i’m very tired i’m exhausted

why are you so angry

why are you so pissed off

it’s not so difficult

it’s not a rocket science


i’m going to get married tomorrow

i’m going to tie a knot tomorrow


i’m bit busy i’m bit tied up

i’m very happy i’m over the moon

i’m fit and healthy i’m fit as a fiddle

it’s very cold outside

it’s freezing outside


in case i don’t see you good afternoon

good evening and good night

