How to Use the Conditional in English Perfect English Grammar

hi everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and today

we are going to talk about conditionals

in English

today’s topic is first second and third

conditional statements so I hope that

this is going to be a good lesson for

intermediate learners in particular as

you join please don’t forget to like and

share the video so that other people can

find today’s lesson send a comment in

the chat too so that we can say hello to


I see the YouTube chat is up fantastic

hi everybody on YouTube thank you very

much for joining us it’s awesome to have

you Facebook I will go over to you now

I’m gonna be checking Facebook comments

on my phone again this week I am

broadcasting from my house so I’ll find

you in just a second a couple of

announcements while we wait as always

this week there is this banner here at

the bottom of the screen the team has

put together a 52 page workbook and

access to free access to our beginner

level course so we know that many people

are spending a lot of time at home these

days so we put together a course that

you can access for free there is one

month left of this option so if you have

not checked it out yet please take a

look you can find this from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

YouTube or above the video if you are

watching on Facebook please have a look

at that if you have not already also

other point as always a reminder if you

have questions about something different

from today’s topic or if you have

questions about something just totally

just random any like vocabulary grammar

culture questions and so on anything

like that please send it to this series

I see in your comments many of you say

like where do I send this so don’t try

to like message me on Instagram or like

put it in a youtube comment or Facebook

comment cuz I can’t check everything so

please send this to the official quest

submission page the series is called ask

Alicia on the English class 101 YouTube

channel and the official submission page

is English class 101 calm slash ask -

Alicia if you do a quick search of our

YouTube channel you can find the link in

the description for YouTube so please

send me your questions there I will

guarantee to see your question that way

so please do that okay so as I said if

you are just joining today’s lesson

today we are going to talk about 1st 2nd

and 3rd conditionals first second and

third conditional statements in today’s

lesson I’m going to focus on making

statements I’m not going to focus so

much on questions I’m going to talk

about how we make these conditionals I’m

going to talk about when to use them and

I’m going to show a lot of example

sentences so I hope that you get lots of

practice with these grammar points for

today let’s take a quick look at our

lesson flow for today our lesson boards

for today look like this so if you want

to take a screenshot of today’s lesson

you will see this a few times so I’m

going to talk about the first

conditional first then second

conditional and then third conditional

so this will be today’s lesson flow okay

so with that let’s get started

all right Facebook hey Facebook I see

you I just I just loaded Facebook up now

fantastic I will say hi to you on


hi there Mary Chris 10 Suraj hello

thanks everybody for joining us

okay let’s get to Part 1 the first

conditional let us discuss the earth´s

conditional let me get my marker here

okay first conditional then let’s start

so what is the first conditional first I

want to look at how we make this

conditional there are two parts to all

of the conditional sentences I’m going

to talk about today I’m going to speak a

little bit more slowly to for this part

of the lesson so there are two parts to

all of the condition

statements for today there is what’s

called the if clause this is the part of

the sentence that has the word if yeah

so the if Clause finishes with this

comma this is called the if clause then

there’s this part here the main clause

this part is the part that’s after

that’s like outside the if clause so

we’re going to talk about if clauses and

main clauses today kind of this part 1

and part 2 of these sentences you can

change the order of these you can use

the if clause first or the main clause

first depending on what you want to

focus on in your sentence so let’s look

at the first conditional what does this

look like to make the first conditional

we use if plus our subject so like if

you were if I or if he and so on and

then we use a simple present tense verb

so simple present verb means we use a

simple present tense verb or a simple

present tense verb phrase in this part

right here in the main clause for the

first conditional we have a subject this

does not have to match this subject does

not always match this subject and then

to make a basic like just just start for

today’s lesson to make a basic statement

we use will or won’t

so remember won’t is will not plus the

infinitive form of a verb again the

infinitive form is just the dictionary

form so there’s no change to this verb

just the basic form the kind you find in

the dictionary so what do we use the

first conditional for mmm this is in

blue here we use the first conditional

to talk about a possible future

situation so there’s something that has

a chance of happening we use the first

conditional to describe that and it’s

something that has a pretty good chance

of happening as well so let’s look at

some examples of this and let’s break

down what’s happening in each

these example sentences first if I have

time this weekend I will go to the park

so this is a very basic one in this

sentence here’s my if clause if I have

time this weekend so that’s this part of

the sentence it has if in the sentence

we know it’s the if clause then this

part I will go to the park that’s the

main clause it has this will part so my

verb in the if clause is half this is a

simple present tense verb in my main

Clause I use will and infinitive verb go

so if I have time this weekend I will go

to the park so at native speed this

sounds like if I have time this weekend

I’ll go to the park if I have time this

weekend I’ll go to the park so this I

will gets reduced like we shortened this

we make it shorter so now I will but

aisle aisle five time this weekend I’ll

go to the bar so again this expresses a

possible future situation so this

sentence is expressing there’s a chance

of time this weekend and in that case

this will be my action if I have time

this weekend I’ll go to the party okay

hey Monday one of our YouTube members

welcome if I have it maybe if I have a

chance instead of if I get a chance

usually we say if I have a chance that’s

the verb we use there okay let’s go to

the next one

if she arrives early we’ll get coffee if

she arrives early we’ll get coffee so in

this case my sentence is she or sorry my

subject is she if she arrives

so arrives is the simple present form of

the verb arrived we have s here because

the subject is matching this subject she

arrives so we need to add this S here if

she arrives early , so here’s my if qua

we’ll get coffee we’ll get coffee

so here I’ve reduced we will two wheel


if she arrives early we’ll get coffee so

get it sounds like we will go together

and buy it okay

let’s look at some negative ones then

and then I’ll show you how you can level

this up because this is the most basic

form of conditional so let’s look at a

negative one this one if he doesn’t come

to the meeting we won’t discuss our new

idea again if he doesn’t come to the

meeting we won’t discuss our new idea so

here this follows the same pattern as I

introduced up here the difference is

just that it’s negative if he doesn’t

come does not if he does not come to the

meeting here’s my if clause if he

doesn’t come to the meeting we won’t

discuss our new idea we won’t discuss

our new idea so we are not going to do

something if this is the case so this is

helpful as well hmm so you can use this

to talk about you know various plans for

the near future

especially okay let at the final part of

this board and then I’ll come to your

questions so if you have questions start

typing them now okay next one you’ll

notice a change in this one if you can’t

finish your dessert I’ll finish it or

you if you can’t finish your dessert

I’ll finish it for you this might be a

good example set it does for many of you

so if you can’t finish your dessert

means if you cannot eat all of your

dessert I will finish it I will eat the

remaining parts of your dessert for you

so in other words I want to eat your

dessert that’s kind of like a funny way

of saying this so if you can’t finish

your dessert I’ll finish it for you here

again we have this negative if you

cannot if you cannot finish your dessert

mm-hmm I will finish it for you so in

the first conditional we can use these

can and can’t expressions in this clause

the the if clause and in the main clause

so I want to look at this level up point

here at the bottom so to level up this

if conditional the first this is a first

conditional this will would be different

depending on the conditional to level

this up you can use can and can’t or

should and shouldn’t or command instead

of will or won’t

so remember will or won’t I said this is

like a basic to make a very basic main

Clause you can use these expressions in

your main Clause to for example if I

finish work on time I can join you for

dinner I can join you for dinner

so what’s the difference here like for

example if I finish work on time I will

join you for dinner versus I can join

you for dinner like mmm the difference

is can expresses possibility if I finish

work on time it’s possible to join you

for dinner will is like 100% I’m going

to join you for dinner that’s the

difference here can expresses

possibility will expresses like yes I’m

going to do that thing that’s the

difference here okay some of your

questions now on YouTube I will go to

youtube first David arugula says how do

we use if is not an article how do we

use if in the middle of sentences so

when you see if mmm this when you see

this like in the middle of a sentence

it’s because these two clauses have been


so swapped means they changed the

so for example I will go to the park if

I have time this weekend so you can

reverse the order here or like I’ll

finish your dessert for you if you can’t

finish it so when you switch the order

the if appears in the middle of the

sentence okay some of your exam I don’t

see questions on Facebook but I see all

of you saying hello hello Dennis English

Journal says if I get enough money this

month I will have my kitchen redecorated

very nice learn electrician says if he

comes we won’t go to the market yes

grammatically correct grammatically

correct yes whoo-hoo as if you can’t

finish your dessert I am glad to finish

it for you yeah or I would be happy to

finish it for you it sounds natural okay

Arkadia says if we don’t do anything the

environment will be devastated very soon

very nice very nice good job Byron Byron

has a great question do we need to put a

comma hmm

so if if if you have the if clause first

okay so for me I hope I put a comma and

if this gets a little bit more a little

bit more advanced but like if a clause

that starts with if is a conditional

like a conditional and some people feel

you should always put a comma after like

an introductory like clause which is

this I feel it sounds most natural to

put a comma here but you may find people

who do not so for me I would say yes it

sounds natural that feels like the best

rhythm is to put a comma here because

we’re introducing something and without

this part of the sentence this part of

the sentence doesn’t make much sense

this part of the sentence can’t be by

itself it needs this part of the

sentence so putting a comma here is

important if however you use the main

clause first an if clause second you

don’t need to use a comma for example I

will go to the park if I have

time this weekend no comma so if your if

clause is first put the comma after the

if clause that’s my that would be my

answer okay I think I answered some of

the questions that are in the chat now

okay what’s a comma a comma a comma is

this thing right here it’s this thing I

can’t type in the chat Oh actually I

can’t I can’t escape in this chat here

all in the YouTube chat I’ll put a comma

that’s what a comb is sort of comma is

it marks pauses kind of it speech okay I

need to go to the next part Elizabeth on

Facebook you need a bigger board yes I

know usually I have a bigger board but I

am broadcasting from home again because

of you know the world situation so okay

let’s take a quick break and then we’ll

go to the next part ah real quick

question Miguel on Facebook says hi

Alicia can I use could sometimes I’m

going to talk about that in this case no

with first conditional the answer is no

but other conditionals yes

all right break quick break if you

missed it there is a 52 page workbook a

PDF workbook that you can download to

practice your English from the link

below the video if you are watching on

youtube or above the video if you are

watching on Facebook you can also get

access to a free beginner level course

you just need an account on our website

it is free you need your name and email

address only so put that in if you put

in your name and email address you can

get a free account

I think there’s today’s grammar right so

please check that out if you are looking

for some other study materials it’s good

again it’s a beginner level of course so

I hope that that is helpful

alright if you’re just joining today’s

lesson is about first second and third

conditional statements first second

third conditional statements if you’re

just joining please make sure to like

and share the video so that other people

can find today’s lesson that would be

super awesome okay I will show you again

today’s lesson boards so that you can

see what’s going on I just talked about

first conditional this guy now I’m going

to talk about second conditional what is

the second conditional when do we use

how do we make it and today last I’m

going to talk about third condition okay

so let’s continue on to part deux

Thursday okay

part two second conditional on we go

okay second conditional look at this

this looks very familiar right I’ve made

these boards look very similar to each

other so second conditional first let’s

look at how we make second conditional

this is very slippery today okay

second condition of we make second

conditional in like we make all

conditionals in very similar ways but we

have to be careful of our verb tenses

when we make a second conditional

sentence we have same pattern here

if plus our subject I’ll slow down again

if plus our subject and then simple past

verb simple password so remember when we

talked about the first conditional we

use a simple present tense verb yeah

here we’re going to use simple past

tense simple past tense verb important

point then in our main Clause again we

have our subject but instead of will or

won’t we use would or wouldn’t plus our

infinitive verb so at this point and

this point to begin to begin these two

points our keys for the second

conditional so when do we use second

conditional why should we care we use

second conditional to talk about a

future situation with a low chance of

happening a very low chance of happening

that means very low possibility so this

is used when we kind of just want to

imagine something but when we don’t

really think it’s going to happen so

let’s look at some examples of this hey

chat chat moderator can you look at that

if I won the lottery I would buy a boat

if I won the lottery

I would buy about what’s the lottery

lottery is a game you can play you buy a

ticket in most cases or something and if

your ticket the numbers on your ticket

match the contest numbers you win a lot

of money so if I won the lottery I would

buy a boat this one is the simple past

form of the verb win so if I won the

lottery I would buy a boat you cannot

use will here will it’s incorrect if I

won the lottery I will buy a boat that

is incorrect and that’s a mistake I see

lots and lots of learners make please

use wood here we cannot use will or

won’t okay let’s continue to the next

example of sentence but please don’t

flood the chat please if you want if you

have a question yeah thanks chat

moderator ok if I had a problem at work

I would speak to my manager if I had a

problem at work I would speak to my

manager so had is the past form of the

verb have followed by I would speak to

my manager so again we’re saying there’s

a low chance I will have a problem at

work but if I did if I had a problem at

work this would be my action so we use

would instead of will because we use

would and wouldn’t to talk about unreal

situations yeah so we cannot again we

cannot use will speak in this case it

has to be would speak because it’s an

unreal condition an unreal situation ok

can we use the progressive form of a

verb in a conditional can you give me an

example because yes yeah give you

example let’s go to the next one if she

lost her job she would find a new one if

she lost her job she would find a new

one so again low chance situation losing

her job

then she would find a new one so this

would be the action in this very low

chance situation okay some of your

examples are coming in now if I Monday

boo says if I were you I wouldn’t turn

down the offer but if I won the lottery

I would I would so many of you are using

will here it’s incorrect to use will in

the second conditional please use would

I would come visit you dis conditionally

use if well when we’re making a

condition generally yeah so for today’s

lesson we’re gonna look at using if if I

had money I would be happier says yeah

seen good example okay Nestor says which

conditional is the most common it’s hard

to say because we have different uses

for these different conditionals so that

it’s not like one is the most common it

kind of depends I would say personally I

probably use first conditional more

second conditional is used to give

advice which is the next topic so maybe

a little bit more off more than our

second second would be second

conditional okay on Facebook some

examples if she had finished her

homework we would have watched the TV if

she if she finished homework we would

watch TV mmm

I’m not sure what that’s trying to say

if we if she had finished that might be

better for the third conditional which

we’re going to talk about later I can’t

see okay I’m gonna go on to the next one

because time is going quick I mentioned

this just now used to give advice this

is one of the most common ways that the

second conditional is used for advice if

I were you and yes I will answer the if

I were if I was questioned in a moment

if I were you ill if I were you or if I

was you native speakers use both right

it’s frustrating how do you know the

correct answer is were and yes that

means many natives speak

make mistakes with this when you’re

using this pattern when you’re using

this if I were you when you’re talking

about this unreal situation clearly I am

NOT you right it’s not a real situation

in that case use worth work if you want

to talk about like a past possible

situation for example when you talk to

your neighbor and you had a party the

night before and you see your neighbor

you’re like oh my gosh if I was noisy

last night I apologize so that means

there was a possibility of something in

the past in that case use was in this

case use work please use work I know

many native speakers you if I was you

technically incorrect

is it a big deal No if you forget are

you in trouble no but if you remember

okay so please use work please work okay

that’s the answer to that

let’s oh and again I would exercise

three times a week this is the big point

I want to review I really want you to

remember please do not use will in your

main class here same thing here

I’ve used a negative if I were you I

wouldn’t so would not eat so much junk

food are you I would not eat so much

junk food so we’re suggesting something

not to do these are advice expressions

already to level up the basic form so I

introduced would and wouldn’t here at

the beginning of this yeah to level this

up you can use could or couldn’t to

express possibility instead of would or

wouldn’t so that means here instead of

using would or wouldn’t you can use

could or couldn’t hear again this

changes the nuance from something you

100% want to do to something that is


Cybil for example if I won the lottery I

could buy a boat so what’s the

difference i could buy a boat

I would buy boat I could buy a boat just

means it’s possible in that situation it

would be it’s possible to buy a boat if

I said I would buy a boat it’s like

definitely 100% that would be my plan

this is the difference okay

I’ll stop there oh my gosh I’m taking so

much time today I have to finish very

very quickly all right I see lots of

your examples if you were here I would

be delighted very nice if I were you I

would study hard on the YouTube chat

good Xavier on Facebook says if I was

young I could like to learn English

quickly in that case no communication

problem to be super correct if I were

young or like if I were younger baby I

could learn English quickly that were a

point if I won the lottery I would buy a

big houses tram very nice very nice okay

if I were you I wouldn’t go there good

if I were you I would play sports useth

maybe who says on Facebook I would play

sports mmm okay let’s go to the last

part quickly if you have missed it today

I’m talking about conditionals we’re

gonna talk about the third conditional

now everybody’s favorite we’re gonna

talk about the last part if you have not

please make sure to like and share this

lesson so other learners can find

today’s topic that would be super cool

let’s go on to the last part because I

am running out of time as always

bah bahs swathi on Facebook can it would

be be used as it would be yes absolutely

I’m going to talk a little bit about

reductions in this part too

okay on to part three third conditional

if plus subject is very familiar here

right so we have the same pattern again

if subject but here we have a past

perfect verb expression past perfect so

like that means we’re gonna use have

plus the past participle form of a verb

so if you don’t know what past perfect

is you can check a couple lessons I have

a lesson on the YouTube channel actually

I’ll put a link in if you’re watching on

Facebook please check the youtube

description I will put a link to a past

perfect lesson so you can understand

this point so if + subject + past

perfect verb goes here then in your main

class subject plus would or wouldn’t +

have + past participle so this is really

past perfect this is really past perfect

but just so you can see so past

participle is a verb form that we need

to study and memorize so when do we use

the third conditional third conditional

alright a past situation did not happen

but we want to imagine the results we

want to imagine the outcome so this is

kind of this we have to think a little

bit about these so let’s look at several

examples now first if I had missed my

bus this morning I would have been late

for work so what is happening here if I

had missed my bus this morning I’d have

been late for work that’s what it sounds

like at native speed if I had missed my

bus this morning this means I did not

miss my bus I was okay but if I had in

that case I would have been late for

work so this sentence shows the outcome

of this unreal situation so outcome

means the result if I had missed my bus

this morning I would have been late for

work but I was not so it was okay but we

want to express that potential outcome

for some reason let’s look at another


if he hadn’t so hadn’t means had not if

he hadn’t called me I wouldn’t have

known about the project updates this

means he did he called me but if he

hadn’t I would not have known about the

project updates hmm next one if you

hadn’t helped me steady I probably would

have failed the test if you hadn’t

helped me steady I probably would have

failed the test at native speak this

means you did help me study but if you

didn’t if you hadn’t helped me study I

probably would have failed so I used

probably here because it levels up like

the potential of the situation mm-hmm if

I had studied more I would have gotten

better grades very nice yes actually

that’s a that’s a very similar one to my

example sentence here your questions

learn with attrition can you give me an

example of the root of the progressive

in it can do have an example sentence

that we can talk about let’s see if I

had watched your channel before I would

have been perfect at English great

Hassan says can I use second conditional

instead of third conditional it depends

on what you want to say so a key with

root like choosing is is the idea here

with 2nd Cano sorry fits first second

conditional with second conditional we

use it in blue here to talk about a

future situation with a low chance of

happening and we use it to give advice

third conditional though we use to talk

about a past situation that did not


so you can’t replace the two of them ok

onward how do we level up the third

conditional in this one you can use

could have or couldn’t have to express

possibility instead of would have or

wouldn’t have for example if my flight

had arrived on time I could have joined

you for dinner

so could have reduces to could’ve I

could have joined you for dinner a

native speaker would say this sentence

my flight had arrived on time I could

have joined you for dinner so this could

have reduces to coulda coulda then

someone said earlier if I studied harder

this I think it was Hassan had a

question about this if I had studied

harder this I’d if I studied harder I

could have passed or I could have passed

the test so we can use could and

couldn’t in the main clause a big

takeaway for today is that you need to

make sure you use those could and would

and will and won’t in your main Clause

not in the if clause all right wow that

was a lot I will show all of the lesson

boards now so if you would like to take

a screenshot please get ready I will

show you everything we talked about in

today’s lesson first second and third

conditional for today and how we make

them I’ll put a couple of reference

links in the in the YouTube description

if you’re watching on Facebook and you

want to get a couple I’ll take it away

now if you if you’re watching on

Facebook and you want to get a couple of

reference links after the live stream

ends I’ll add a couple links to the

description like for about past perfect

or if you want to review these points a

little bit more please give me a few

minutes after the livestream ends I will

add that there I have to finish oh my

gosh that was a lot of information I’m

super late so I will say that’s all okay

that’s all and I will introduce next

week’s lesson topic the next lesson will

be this time next week June third can

you believe it is already June oh my

gosh 10 p.m. eastern standard time that

is Wednesday I am going to talk about

simple past tense versus present perfect

because you asked me about this all the

time and it’s a good topic to review

when should I use simple past when

should I use present perfect what is the

difference we will cover this next week

so please join me if you have time next

week please join me for next week’s live

lesson about this topic I have

to finish there cuz I’m very late today

so thank you very much to everyone for

joining again this week we really really

appreciate it thank you for liking and

sharing the video that was awesome thank

you for your great questions and your

great comments - that is awesome

please make sure to check out the free

course and get the free ebook from the

link below the video on youtube or above

the video on Facebook and again if you

want to check references for today’s

video some other video like homework I

guess or get links like to submit your

your questions for asked Alicia please

check this video on youtube in just a

few minutes I will put some links there

so enjoy the rest of your week have a

nice week and a nice weekend and I will

see you again next time