3 Ways to Order in a Restaurant Speak English Fluently

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what should you say when

you’re ordering food in a restaurant in

english let’s talk about it today i’m

gonna share with you three expressions

plus one bonus expression that you can

use when you’re ordering in a restaurant

these are all polite so they’re great

for casual restaurants or formal

restaurants as long as your face and

your voice or polite it’s no problem

let’s start with the first one the first

one you might have already learned in

your elementary school english classes

it’s i’d like this is I would like I’d

like the cheesecake please

sometimes when you learn things in

elementary English classes it’s not

always natural and you’re not sure if

people really use it but this expression

is perfectly fine that’s why I included

it today so you could say I’d like the

cheesecake I’d like a hamburger

I’d like some pasta this is great let’s

talk about the second one the second one

is I’m gonna have the salad with some

chicken on top I’m gonna have this is

I’m going to have you can also simply

say I will have all have I’m gonna have

this is perfectly polite and as you

might notice already I’ve used the

before the thing that I’m ordering all

have the hamburger all have the

ice-cream all have the pasta the salad

when you’re ordering from a menu we

often put the before the word I’ll have

the number two you can also say I’ll

have number two I’ll have the hamburger

with french fries both of those are fine

but typically we say the before we order

something so you could say I’m gonna

have the chocolate ice-cream covered in

sprinkles with whipped cream on top in a

cone thank you the third expression that

you can use when you’re ordering in a

restaurant is by using

the word take I’m gonna take the

hamburger I’ll take the French fries

I’ll take the ice cream out today lots

of unhealthy foods what’s a healthy food

we could say I’ll eat the salad I’ll

take the salad this is something that

you could use instead of half I’m gonna

have the salad I’m gonna take the salad

even though you’re not taking it they’re

giving it to you you could still use

take I’ll take the fruit I’ll take your

healthiest dish please

now I have a bonus for you this is I’m

gonna as you noticed we use gonna or

will a lot I’m gonna go with the salad

I’m gonna go with the grilled chicken

I’m gonna go with the salmon sushi I’m

gonna go with something you’re not

physically going with the salmon sushi

but this means your choice is the salmon

sushi I’m gonna go with the salmon sushi

this is a more casual way to say what

you want to order but it’s also polite

so I wanted to share this bonus

expression with you I’m gonna go with

sushi I hope that these four expressions

were useful to you today and now I have

a challenge for you in the comments

below this video I want you to choose

one or maybe all of these expressions

and pretend that you’re ordering

something what would you like to order

from Vanessa’s restaurant what would you

like tell me down below I’ll go with the

tuna please I’ll have I’m gonna have use

these expressions in the comments so

that you can repeat it repetition is key

thanks so much for learning with me and

I’ll see you the next time bye if you

enjoyed this video be sure to download

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much for learning with me bye