30 Days of English Family Conversations Day 2

hi and welcome to day 2 of 30 days of

English this week we’re talking about

relationships first we’re going to talk

about family then friends then romantic

relationships so today we’re talking

about family memories are you ready

let’s get started

today I have a special guest to

introduce you to this is my husband

Daniel hello do you want to go by Dan

you can call me Dan oh you wouldn’t know

okay so today Dan is going to share some

stories about his family with us and

then throughout the course he’s going to

also take part in our conversation

lessons are you ready I’m ready

all right so today we’re going to talk

about family and are there any

interesting fun scary strange family

memories that you have that you’d like

to share with everyone sure I have a

memory of when I was a child so when I

was maybe nine years old or so my mother

told my brother and I to go to bed and

we went to bed but just like most

children we wanted to play allies so we

had a bunk bed so that’s a bed below and

a bed on top and we were playing on the

bunk bed and on the bunk bed there’s a

railing and the railing was loose so you

could you could kind of swing it back

and forth and it would make a loud sound

and we thought that was funny so the

scary part of the story is that the

railing had nails at the end of it so

when my brother was swinging the the

railing back and forth my face somehow

got in the way and the railing house

necked me in the face with the nail so

in my bed I was lying down with blood

rolling down my face and my mom she

thought we were just

you were screaming and mom help me right

so I was like mommy mommy and my mom

said be quiet up there so she wanted us

to go to sleep still so like a good

child I went to sleep with blood on my

face huh so then later that night when I

was sleeping my mom came upstairs and

saw me sleeping but I had dried blood

all over my face and she was like ah so

that was a scary story for my mom

especially I think yeah but you were you

hurt badly were you hurt permanently was

it okay no I don’t even think there’s a

scar anything it’s just um must have

been like a very little nail hit my face

you’re lucky I didn’t hit your eye yes

I’m very lucky but it was a very funny

story in hindsight but for my mother it

was not very funny sure in hindsight

it’s okay but not at the moment

exactly oh sure so how about for you do

you have any stories um yes so one of

the stories about my family is also from

my childhood and so I have some of you

might know I have a sister a younger

sister and when we were younger

of course like every child at Christmas

we didn’t want to wait for Christmas to

find out what our Christmas presents

were so sometimes we would scheme and

plan and try to find a way where we

could open our Christmas presents before

Christmas so sometimes a few days before

Christmas our parents would put

Christmas presents under the tree just

to tempt us but while they were outside

doing something or asleep at night my

sister and I would go downstairs and

open just one or two Christmas presents

but we’d carefully pry open the tape and

the peek inside and sometimes we pulled

it out like oh and then we put it

carefully wait you took out the whole

present sometimes sometimes we did if it

was possible to not mess up the wrapping

oh very sneaky yes but we had to satisfy

our curiosity

so we

we would put them carefully back into

the the wrapping and then put the tape

down but we were worried that maybe on

Christmas morning

our parents would think why aren’t they

surprised about their presents so my

sister and I would practice making

surprised faces so that evening when we

were secretly opening them we in


pretending to open them like oh oh woah

just to practice ridiculous surprise

faces because we didn’t want anyone to

find out that we’d really seen the

present ahead of time Wow and it worked

well the surprised faces work yes yes so

it worked and Christmas morning my

sister and I just laughed and laughed

because we knew that each other’s

surprised faces were just fake right did

your parents think you were seriously

laughing like just excited oh of course

of course they were completely naive and

had no idea I think maybe later in life

we confessed and told them Oh back when

we were younger we used to secretly open

the presents but I don’t even know if

they were upset it’s one of those funny

stories right yeah oh yeah probably not

upset anymore uh yeah they probably

didn’t care though thank you for sharing

a story about your family

yeah well and I hope you enjoyed my

story about my childhood as well and

today thank you for watching day 2 is

day 2 today

and if you are a super English member

make sure that you watch this week’s

bonus video about family and now for

everyone I have a question that I want

you to answer out loud as best as you

can what is a good memory from your

childhood or a bad memory or a scary

memory like dance and I’ll talk to you


good bye bye bye