Almost All English Learners Make This Mistake

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm over the last week almost

all of my students have made this

mistake so today i’m going to help you

not make it again let’s get started over

the past week on skype i have heard my

students say a lot

I almost watch English movies with

English subtitles

I almost watch means I was going to

watch it and then I decided not to

I almost watch English movies with

English subtitles but this is not really

what my students mean to say what they

want to say is almost all of the time

when I watch English movies I use

English subtitles most of the time I use

English subtitles the word that they

don’t use is all almost all of the time

so today I want to help you learn three

expressions with the word almost almost

always almost never and almost all let’s

start with the first one the first

expression with almost is almost always

almost always this is an important

expression to use because it’s very rare

that we do something always I always

breathe I always eat every day yes these

are things we do always but for most

things in our lives we don’t do them

always we do them almost always so my

first sample sentence with almost always

is I almost always eat breakfast because

when I wake up I’m starving

almost every morning I eat breakfast I

almost always eat breakfast the

expression almost always needs to come

before the verb I almost always eat I

almost always walk to work I almost

always drink water in the morning you

almost always do something the next step

it’s my students almost always watch the

videos that I send them before the

lesson but before my skype lessons with

private students I almost always send

them a video that they can watch to

prepare and practice English before we

speak together and almost always they

watch it this is something that is great

for helping them to prepare for the

lesson and I think the students realize

it so they almost always do it the next

expression with almost is almost never

almost never but there’s a little bit of

a different pronunciation for this this

expression because after almost there is

a consonant and almost never the T gets

cut out so in American English we would

say almost never I almost never so let

me give you some sample sentences and

listen for this pronunciation almost

never when I was younger we almost never

ate fish because it was expensive and

pretty unusual for the area of the US

where I grew up we almost never ate fish

or you could say he used to practice

English every day and now he almost

never practices English he almost never

speaks English anymore

almost never let’s see the third way we

can use almost the final way we can use

almost is almost all almost all and in

this one the T is pronounced almost all

almost all so we could say almost all of

my co-workers speak my native language

so I don’t have many chances to use

English at work almost all of my

co-workers or you could say I didn’t

realize that almost all English learners

have trouble finding someone to speak

English with I didn’t realize that

almost all English learners almost all

not all English learners almost all now

it’s your turn

I want you in

comments of this video to write a

sentence using almost always or almost

never or almost all you can use all of

them or you can use one it’s your choice

this is your chance to practice English

I’m looking forward to reading your

sample sentences and I’ll talk to you

later good bye