Dont Go On Foot

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm did you really go there on

foot let’s talk about it as many of you

know I’ve been an English teacher in a

classroom in several different countries

around the world now I teach only online

through Skype but when I was teaching in

a classroom I had to use the textbook

that the school told me to use some

textbooks were better than others but

there was one thing that was really

similar in almost every textbook the

question was how do you go to school how

do you go to work and the textbook

answer was always I go on foot

I go by bus I go by train ah we don’t

really use this kind of sentence

structure very often so let me give you

another example of how you can use it

naturally even though on foot by bus by

car is really easy we don’t often use

this in American English so instead we

change the verb how do you go to school

how do you go to work I walk to work I

take the train to work I take the bus to

work the verb changes instead of adding

I go to work on foot I go to work by bus

this is a very textbook answer so make

sure that you change the verb I’m going

to tell you a little story about

transportation so that you can remember

this concept when I was living in Paris

I didn’t have a car and I definitely

didn’t need one when I went to school I

took the subway after school I walked to

the park and had a picnic with my

friends sometimes I took a bus to my

friend’s house and if I was visiting

another city I often took the train I

only took a taxi once because it was

really expensive in Paris and even then

my host family paid for it not me I took

all sorts of kinds of transportation

cars with other people

buses trains

subways taxis I also walked on my

website I’m going to write some more

sample sentences and details about how

to use this correctly and to make sure

that you don’t use the textbook answer

so if you’re not on my website click the

link below this video and you can get

the full free lesson and now I have a

question for you how do you get to work

how do you get around town I want to see

your sample sentences using this natural

way of speaking not on foot not by bus

go ahead and write some amazing sample

sentences below this video and I look

forward to seeing them talk to you later
