England VS America Five Different Verbs

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm and one more time i’m here

with my friend Victoria hi from England

and I’m from America so today we have a

new topic five verbs that are different

in England and America and these aren’t

the most used everyday common verbs in

the whole world it’s just firms that I

noticed over the last week that were

used and I don’t necessarily use them

frequently so let’s get started number

one verb is psycho hmm so what is a good

sentence that you would use the word

cycle in I guess I would say I cycled to

work my cycle to school which means to

me I bike to work I ride my bike to work

yeah and if you want to know more about

biking in England we have another video

where Victoria talks about her awesome

job where she teaches kids about riding

bikes and you can click on the link and

watch that awesome video about

Victoria’s life and so you would say I

cycle to work I cycle to what and I

would say I bike to work yeah but

bicycle is the similar word so it’s not

too hard to understand yes you can

pretty much guess it just like you

wouldn’t say it but you’d still

understand me if I said I was like oh of

course yeah it just sounds very British

alright number two is nicht nicht

nicht what do you think that means next

well if I heard next I would think oh I

I nicked my car meaning I have a scratch

on my car we can say that as well

actually you’d like that does mean that

like this oh there’s a there’s a nick in

my brand new ceramic something I get

scratched life is a problem like this

something yeah something like a tiny

little nick out of it but there’s

another meaning in England that I would

not use yeah and it means to steal so

someone nicked my bike someone stole my

bike but the meaning is slightly

different to steal

you can you can kind of use it

interchangeably but when you say Nick

it is quite informal so if you were

going to the police with a statement you

wouldn’t say someone it’s my bike you

would be somebody stole my bike so it’s

more professional they say yeah or more

formal it’s more formal to say stuff but

also it means it’s kind of less

significant I mean you can still say it

for serious things like yes someone

stole my bike somebody you need my bike

somebody nicked my handbag that’s that’s

not insignificant but you can use in an

insignificant way so I think the pizza

out of the fridge hope you don’t mind

but if you said I stole the pizza it

sounds like serious I think I would say

oh I grabbed the pizza out of the fridge

for lunch I hope you don’t mind because

no you can’t have it I have it sure so

Nick is something that only young people

say because it’s informal or could

anybody say this I think anybody can say

it okay but because it’s informal by

default young people are probably more

likely to say because they’re most more

likely in informal situations yeah cool

all right let’s see number three is

phone me mmm okay this is a verb that

would be used how so instead of saying

call me maybe we would say phone me not

necessarily maybe but so yeah phone me

or you can even say ring me mmm

which I know you don’t use no I don’t

use me I would just say please call me

when you are free which we can’t say we

do say call me as well but you have

quite a few other words that we would

not use so you could say phone me ring

me drop me alive drop me a line I would

say that but it’s not in my personal

vocabulary but I think in America people

would not say that’s

quickly British but it is probably more

likely to be said here maybe than a

number I don’t know you’d probably say

it and you know drop me a lot ah sure

sure or you could say give me a bell

there I’ll give me a bell literally give

me about but it’s big obviously because

when your phone rings it sounds a little

bit like that’s really a boy take it

isn’t it we got poetic

very nice I’ve gotta move on to number

four number four is to let let in the

word let and of itself usually just

means hmm allow oh I let my dog I’ll go

outside I opened the door and the dog

walked outside I let the dog go outside

but this is a different kind of it’s the

same spelling but it’s a different

meaning for the word blood yeah

and this means to mint so we still use

the word to rent and we even use the

word to hire as well but the word to let

is use in a specific context of renting


so Vanessa noticed this because she saw

lots of signs outside houses in London

that said to let outside of them and

I’ve always thought this is quite funny

because it looks a little bit like the

way to it that’s what I thought was

funny anyway so yeah that’s quite

crucial though if you’re coming to the

UK and you want to rent a house you can

say yes I’m renting but when it comes to

the official negotiations and who you

need to contact you don’t go to a

renting agent you go to a letting agent

so if you’re typing on Google letting

agency in London or in some other city

in the UK that is how you’ll find an

agency if you say another Americanism

then you won’t necessarily find now

you’re looking for you would you just

get lots of real estate places in the

u.s. yeah is there’s real estate so in

the u.s. were more likely to say rent

and you have said another one bonus word

number five point five four point four

is higher I would

never say I’m going to hire a cab or

higher attack so you mentioned that Oh

what you hire is only for people like

you can hire an employee when I can hire

a car and I have that around here yeah

you can hire a machinery you can hire

almost anything hi in the days when

Blockbuster Video is still around and

you could hire a video hmm and I would

just say rent you can rent a video yeah

you could rent it and that’s just the

flat word we would use for almost all

those situations all right final one

number 5 is come up top up top what does

that mean well we use this particularly

in the context of phones so if you have

a pay-as-you-go phones or not on a

monthly dough in a big contract a lot of

tourists might have this kind of plan

Magana you if you want to add credit or

add money your funds or whatever you

call it to your pot of money on your

phone on your SIM card and we call it

top-up like oh I need to top up my phone

where can I go to top up my friend

hmm that must been really important for

me when my phone is losing credit if I

only have one pound left on my phone I

need to go to a store and tell them can

i top up my phone here yeah but if I

said can I add credit to my phone I

think they would understand you probably

would but it wouldn’t be more accurate

to say can i top up my phone here mmm

that would be yes yes to wait to be

understood and that was just the very

typical phrase that is accepted phone

top up phone top up here in this shop

and I think can you use the same word

for your subway or tube card I’m topping

up my card would be the same or

definitely so if you have your oyster

card which is what you use in London and

you go into the station the first thing

you’d look for is where can I talk about

my Oyster card so that’s a really

important word for tourists because you

can top up your tube or subway card and

you can also top up your phone credit

which a lot of tourists have that kind

of plan yeah oh this have been very

helpful words rent you a house getting

the credit on your phone going to the

subway Mixel ends yeah well thanks so

much yeah well and I hope everyone out

there learned something as well if you

know any other words and you like to add

them please do and we can all learn

something new all right thanks so much

talk to you later