England VS America Ten Items That Have Different Names

Vanessa from speak English with Vanessa

calm and today I’m with my friend

Victoria hi she’s from England and I’m

from America so our topic today is ten

items that have different names in

England and in America are you ready I’m


all right our first item is well in the

UK we call these pumps well in America

this these specifically are boxers we

could call the mostest too actually but

in general they’re called underwear

because you wear them under your clothes

actually we would also call them

underwear but I guess it’s useful to

talk about this because we call those

pants but in America pants are number

two this which is what we call trousers

Oh jeans I guess because there’s kind of

cheating yes so I would say oh I’m

wearing pants today I’m not realizing

and she would think I’m wearing this

today okay good job glad you’re wearing

underwear today so these two items are

very common to mix up when especially

when Americans come to England yeah

often make the mistake of saying oh I

like your pants eyes are really cute

really you can see my pants so number

three is this I’m high up that’s safe

and the sleeves out now what would you

say is this item I would call this a

jumper a jumper I would say this is a

sweater and a jumper to me is a long

dress that you would wear something

underneath maybe old women wear this or

sometimes like it’s stereotypically

clothing for elementary school teachers

but you would say this

jumper this is the jumper like we

understand what spices are because we

watch lots of American movies but that’s

pretty much it guys this is just a

jumper so what if you said this is a

sweater oh if you said oh I’m wearing a

sweater today what would people in

England think they’d understand Jumba

and that would be fine like it’s not

like I mean even the in England we

understand that almost people understand

that when Americans say pants they mean

Charles’s but like it’s just like that’s

bit second moment you when you’re like

what like what would seem awkward but it

you would understand eventually

necessarily old people wouldn’t

baisemeaux zika’s because we watch a lot

of America okay this is item number for

item number four and it’s raining today

so this is already wet here we go

can you tell what it is what would you

call this for me this is an anorak this

is my other bag this in America is a

rain jacket because it’s a jacket that

you wear in the rain but very

descriptive I think an anorak means

nothing to me if you said I need to get

my inner I would have no idea what

you’re talking about maybe like it’s a

brand name of something I would have no

idea you can call it other names too

you mean if you said we probably

wouldn’t say rain jacket but obviously

we understand what arranging is kind of

obvious but you could also call it a Mac

which is like Macintosh in the Beatles

song they sing in penny lane I’d say

that uh I see that you care mmm you

could call it a rain Mac

learning English through music alright

the next item is this what do you think

this is mm-hmm fine we used to wash our

faces with yes so I would call that a

slough flannel okay and I would call it

a wash cloth which is again like very

descriptive Airy description of

descriptive rugs in America we just make

up random new words that’s a funnel so a

flannel to me I would never say a

flannel but I

I’d say a type of cloth it could be

flannel so sometimes plaid shirts that

are kind of thick that you would wear in

the winter I would say that is a flannel

shirt as an adjective but I would never

say something is a flannel so it’s like

more an adjective for me but it

definitely doesn’t mean so all right the

next item is this if you want to fry up

some eggs where would you put your eggs

I would put my eggs in a frying pan

frying pan I would put them in a skillet

now I could say frying pan oh I’m gonna

put them in the frying pan but at least

for me

mmm that depends probably where you’re

from in the u.s. maybe some people might

say frying pan so I’m not gonna say all

Americans say skillet mm-hmm but for me

in my family and my area I guess skillet

is pretty common I’ve heard lots of

Americans say skillet but that’s a funny

one because that’s like the opposite way

around that’s where the British people

are calling it something very

descriptive and the Americans have made

up a whole new word that’s true the hell

is skillet huh and next is yes a mobile

phone a cell phone yeah that how do you

ever say cell phone no we would never

ever ever say something okay but we do

just call it a mobile and sometimes even

just a thing oh I would say have fun too

but I would never say mobile you’ll

never buy it can we go around yes I

would say I yeah in in that sense but

never with the phone okay fine next item

the next item mm-hmm train is order T

train I would say okay in America we can

say several things for these personally

I would say that their tennis shoes as

in the game tennis even though you

probably aren’t going to play tennis in

that I would say it’s tennis shoes but a

lot of people say sneakers but to me

sneakers is kind of a word that like

your grandma might say cuz I buy I think

in some places it’s

say sneakers and some people might say

running shoes but I think these aren’t

necessarily considered running shoes I

used to run in these a long time ago but

know this the word trainer is pretty

standardized and British English but

yeah I mean if your shoes up specialist

running shoes and maybe call the money

shoes but not that pretty much training

it for me when I say when I think of the

word trainer I think of a person who

helps you learn how to do something

their training like a personal trainer a

personal trainer yeah so there it’s a

job it’s not a shoe I remember one time

in France you said I need to get my

trainers and I didn’t know what that was

like with trainers like is it tennis

shoes and you’re like what’s ten shoes

and then that you said in French best

get like oh yeah so we had to go through

French to understand each other’s

English but that’s really rare usually I

understand the sense all right no next

to last item are these whether you use a

brain boot although the proper word is

technically wellington boots named after

the Duke of Wellington I could give you

the whole history did he wear those

actually rumor is that he invented them

because we didn’t want to wear these

short riding boots he wanted to cuz it

was always when he was riding his horse

so he asked for somebody to make him

some knee-high ones which like keep the

rain off and so then it became a

national pride thing so we call them

wellington boots and now just Willie’s

wellies well here’s a cute word alright

the next thing we have is this or what

you can see Victoria wearing right now

and they’re not the same thing well

they’re not the same word in England in

the states it’s the same one yes so what

would you say in England for this

there’s a collar it’s pretty

professional there are buttons going

all the way down organs pockets not

necessarily necessary but the buttons

are necessary and therefore this is a

shut okay so usually like a man if a man

is wearing a business suit underneath

his jacket he is wearing a shirt and the

same with a woman it doesn’t necessarily

have to be a formal one but most of the

time it is so this is definitely a shirt

there’s a cloth and there and there are

buttons going all the way down but this

I know in the states you would call this

a chef this is a shirt this is a shirt

I’d be like this is not sure this is a

top there are no buttons this is not

formal there’s no collar there’s no way

this is a check this is a top so

anything that’s like cockney or fitted

or what basically has no buttons and no


hmm if I would say I’m wearing a top I

think it would sound kind of snobby

maybe in America like oh this is a nice

top it would sound just a little bit

weird I know what it means but I was I’m

wearing this on top because you wear

these shirts on top and pants or

trousers on the bottom but I understand

the meaning its comprehensible I guess

we just have modes for things maybe

that’s possible Willy’s trainers shut up

shirts tops

well thousands as well blouses just

meaning that shirt for like a very

feminine kind of shirt hey what would a

feminine shirt look like maybe for the

wealthy I mean this one is quite

masculine because it’s quite baggy and

it’s got long sleeves whereas a feminine

one might have some lace or it might

have some embroidery or it might be sort

of curved like instead of like straight

angles or something okay something some

kind of touch to make it more feminine

that’s a blouse yeah but you could still

call it this if I said it’s a blouse I

think I would sound like a grandmother I

suppose it isn’t a kind of grandma would

even use it but stuff oh yeah well wow I

learned a lot today me too well I hope

that everyone out there learned a lot

too about England and America and if you

mix up these words don’t worry people

will still understand it’s just fun

student the difference yeah so thanks

for watching and if you know any other

words that are different in America and

in England

leave a comment and we’ll learn more new

words thanks so much
