English Greetings Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm hello hi

hey let’s talk about it welcome to the

back to english basic series because

this month july 2017 is the month that

my baby will be born

i thought that we would use this concept

going back to the beginning babies have

a lot that they need to learn they have

to start at the very beginning so let’s

do that with english let’s start at the

very beginning in this series you’re

probably going to hear some things that

you already know some things that you

already use but i know that there will

be other expressions and other things

that you didn’t know or that you don’t

use regularly so even if you think

you’re an advanced english learner this

back to basics series will teach you

something too and as a baby gift for you

i created a free guide back to english

basics guide so that you can learn all

of the expressions from this full series

there are seven different lessons with a

couple expressions in each lesson so

i’ve created a PDF guide plus a sample

conversation that you can download for

free and print it out i recommend and

reminding yourself reviewing it reading

them out loud and using these as much as

possible so you can download this free

guide at the top here or in the

description below let’s start with

today’s topic which is greetings

greetings what is the most common

greeting that you learn when you start

in elementary school

probably hello right well do native

speakers actually use hello when we

greet each other not really we use hello

I use hello most often in structured

situations so the most common is on the

phone if I pick up the phone I say hello

and it’s just a way to say I’m here I am

talking but it’s not something that we

often use when we see someone face to

face we’re more likely to use the other

expression the second expression hi is

more often used in conversations you can

use this in formal situations with your

boss your co-workers you can use this

with your friends acquaintances when you

see a dog you can say hi dog you can use

this almost in any situation it’s polite

it’s not too formal

but it’s the most common the third

expression is close to high and it hey

hey is a little more casual but it’s

certainly something that you can still

use in more professional situations if

you have the right attitude it may be

not to your boss but you can use this to

say hi hey and this is something that

will go great with expressions from our

next lesson we’re just going to talk

about the follow-up greeting hey how’s

it going hey how you doing

we’ll talk about that second part in the

next video so I recommend using hi or

hey in most situations

if you want to be super casual maybe a

little cool another greeting that people

often use is what’s up what’s up and

this is something for people you already

know someone who is your friend maybe

your brother or sister and you’re just

passing them hey what’s up what’s up and

maybe they will just say hi maybe they

won’t actually answer your question and

if someone says it to you you don’t have

to answer what’s up ah not much I’m okay

you can just say hi it’s just a greeting

you can answer it if you want but a lot

of people use this instead of hi or hey

when you’re greeting someone who you


well in a casual situation so make sure

that you use these for greetings hello

hi hey what’s up in the right situation

I recommend downloading the PDF guide

that way you can review it and now it’s

your turn

in the comments below this video use

some of these greetings greet each other

greet me and tell me which expressions

do you like to use the most thanks so

much for watching and I’ll see you the

next time bye the next step is to

download the free guide back to English

basics I want to help you master these

expressions and speak fluently feel free

to subscribe so that you don’t miss new

English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye