Four English Grammar Mistakes Made By French Speakers

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you a French speaker

wait are you not a French speaker it’s

okay you can still benefit from this

video today I want to share with you

four grammar mistakes that are commonly

made by French speakers in English let’s

get started number one number one is the

word actually actually in English means

in reality in French the word that’s

very similar actually means at the

moment right now so in French it’s very

possible to say hmm actually I am

talking to you but in English this is

not possible let’s see what is the best

way to say it in English watch here is

that wine Oh actually it’s lemonade we

can use the word actually to correct

someone when they say something

incorrect and it’s a polite way to say

it number two number two I have heard so

often and I know it’s difficult so today

I want to tell you the correct way to

say this I have heard many French

speakers say I live in the u.s. since

two years this sentence has several

problems but I want to teach you today

the correct way to say it I know in

French it’s difficult to use the word

sense because Dupre off.if means a sense

so why not use it in this circumstance

but the best way to say how long you

have been living somewhere is like this

how long have you been living in the

u.s. I’ve been living in the US for two

years how long have you been living in

London I’ve been living in London for

five years number three number three

this is the incorrect way to say this

sentence who’s that guy he’s the guy

with who I was talking and this is the

correct way to say it who’s that guy

he’s the guy who I was talking with in

French she’s

say avec e so it could be complicated

when translating this in your head into

English but in English keep it simple he

was the person who I was talking with in

English if you say with who or with whom

it sounds very formal and unnecessary

number four number four is the word

enough and where to put it in the

sentence for the word enough we should

put it right after the verb I have heard

many times I ate food enough I drank

wine enough we need to put it after the

verb so instead we can say I ate enough

food I drank enough wine

I slept enough last night this is the

best way to use the word enough and I

hope after this you’ll never say it

incorrectly again so please let me know

do you often make these mistakes and

what’s this video helpful to you I hope

to see you again talk to you later good

