Four French Words Pronounced Differently in English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm where you can have natural

conversations in english without stress

today i’m going to share with you four

french words that are pronounced

differently in english we use these same

words in english but they’re pronounced

very differently so make sure you

pronounce them correctly let’s get

started the first word is the word

Bureau Bureau in English the word Bureau

could mean two things it could mean a

desk and usually this desk has a mirror

on top

it’s a bureau I’m going to sit at my

bureau and put on my makeup I need to

put something in my Bureau but in French

this word it means office it could mean

something similar in English to the

second meaning of the word Bureau is a

government office the Bureau of safety

the Bureau of Education this is often a

word used for politics or in

government’s so it could mean two things

it could mean a desk or it could mean

this government office but make sure

when you pronounce it you say Bureau

Bureau and not you hold this is a very

different pronunciation so make sure you

have it correct let’s go into number two

the second word is the word enchanted

enchanted in French this word is often

used when you meet someone on short date

with a shift sound on short day but in

English we need to use the choo-choo

sound enchanted and although this does

have a similar root word in English

enchanted means something magical maybe

we would use it for fairy tales or for

dizzy movies something enchanting

something that is unbelievably like a

fairy tale incredible it was enchanting

and in English it’s a little strong to

use this word when you first meet

someone it’s I am enchanted to meet you

I would seem a little strange to make

sure you say it’s great to meet you it’s

nice to meet you and that you pronounce

this word and chanted the fairy tale was

enchanting the Disney movie scene and

the characters were enchanting she lived

in an enchanted castle and chanted let’s

go into number three number three is a

surprising word it is the word France

France and I know many of you are from

France and you often say this word when

you’re speaking and when you’re talking

in English so make sure that you

pronounce it the English way I know

maybe it’s not quite as beautiful as in

French false but in English we need to

say France France I’m from France I

would love to visit France one day have

you ever visited France France let’s go

into number four number four is the word

exercise exercise do you like to

exercise make sure that your

pronunciation and emphasis for this word

is correct it is not x-axis it is

exercise it sounds like the word size

the the coffee was a large size exercise

what kind of exercises do you like do

you like to do yoga do you like to play

volleyball do you like to play soccer or

maybe you don’t like to exercise make

sure you pronounces the word exercise I

hope that these four words that were

pronounced differently were helpful to

you and let me know in the comments do

you mispronounce these words is it

difficult for you to say Bureau

enchanted France exercise with it in

English an American accent let me know

in the comments below and I’ll talk to

you later good bye