How Are You Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how’s it going let’s talk

about it

welcome to the second lesson in the back

to english basic series because this

month july 2017 is the month that my

baby will be born I thought that we

could use this concept going back to the

beginning back to the basics of English

and help you to build your foundation

even stronger we already talked about

greetings like hello hey so today let’s

go to the next part of a greeting which

is a follow-up greeting it’s something

that’s not release and fear it’s not

actually a question but we use this all

the time

what is it let’s talk about a couple

examples the first expression is how are

you how are you you probably learned

this a long time ago in elementary

school hello how are you

but do native speakers actually use how

are you well the truth is sometimes

sometimes we do use how are you but it’s

considered the most formal and the in

this situation it’s the most unlikely to

be used because most of our interactions

are with friends with neighbors with

family so how are you seems a little bit

too formal for most circumstances I

recommend using the next expressions

instead the next four expressions are

all equally the same level of casual

they’re not too casual not too formal we

can use them in a lot of situations

the first one is how’s it going how is

it going but we often shortened it to

how’s it go in go in when we want to be

casual the G at the end of a word with

ING often gets dropped so we might say

Hey how’s it going and someone might

respond or you might respond all pretty

good not too bad

how’s it going this is much more common

than how are you

the next follow-up greeting is how are

you doing how are you doing but we never

say how are you doing instead we say how

ya doing how are you doing I use this

all the time whenever I see one of my

neighbors I just say hey how you doing

and this means hey how are you hello how

are you but it’s much more casual and it

shows that you already have some kind of

friendship or relationship hey how are

you doing hey how’s it going the next

follow-up greeting is what’s up what’s

up we talked about this in the first

video in this series as a greeting by

itself you could say what’s up without

any hi any hello but we often use this

together hey what’s up so that’s why I

included it in both videos hey what’s up

hi what’s up and the way you can respond

to this is simply oh pretty good not too


hey what’s up not much a really simple

question or you don’t have to answer it

at all if someone says to you hey what’s

up you can just say hey perfectly fine

no problem and really common the final

follow-up greeting is one that you can

ask if you really do want an answer

something that people often ask me when

I go to the grocery store the cashier

will ask me hey what are you up to today

what are you up to today

what are you up to today and that means

what are you doing today and we can use

this if we want someone to tell us where

they’re going something small about

their lives

so if I asked you hey what do you love

to today you could say I’m just going to

work or I’m going to see my mom today

you can tell me a little detail

something not too much but a little bit

more so this final question is going to

ask for some details instead of the

other questions the other questions you

don’t have to give any details at all

I’m fine

doing well no problem but the final

question I recommend giving a little bit

of an answer so now it’s your turn to

use these follow-up greetings in the

comments below this video use a

follow-up greeting that you want to use

when you have conversations with native

speakers or with other English learners

which greeting is the most comfortable

to you which one are you going to use

write it in the comments below let’s

greet each other and have a beautiful

day I’ll see you the next time bye

the next step is to download the free

guide back to English basics I want to

help you master these expressions and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye