How Did It End Up

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what happened in the end

let’s talk about it has someone ever

told you a story and then hesitated to

tell you the end or maybe you were

telling a story and you wanted to tell

the conclusion of the story well today’s

expression end up is perfect for the

situation let’s take a look at some

sample sentences to make this clear if

you follow me on periscope you know that

a few weeks ago my youngest kitten

jumped out the second-story window

thankfully she was okay it ended up OK

because she ran back into the apartment

no cars hit her and she was perfectly

fine it was amazing but as I’m telling

you this story you might want to ask me

huh did she end up ok did she end up ok

did it this story did it end up OK and

really this could have gone terribly she

could have run into the street she could

have gotten in by a car she could have

run away forever but thankfully it ended

up OK in that story about my kitten I

used end up ended up with ok or terribly

it ended up ok it could have ended up

terribly it did end up terribly but in

my next story I want to show you how to

use ended up with a verb now when I was

in high school I broke my wrist

actually it was my right wrist which was

awful because that’s the hand I write

with but I broke my right wrist while I

was playing volleyball but at the moment

I didn’t realize that it was serious

so I didn’t do anything about it after a

few days I finally ended up going to the

hospital I ended up going to the

hospital because it started hurting more

so because it ended up hurting more I

decided to go to the hospital in this

story I used ended up

with a verb I ended up going it ended up

hurting this is another way to use ended

up on my website I’m going to write some

more sample sentences and details about

how to use the expression end it up so

if you’re not on my website click on the

link below this video so that you can

watch the full free lesson and now I

have a question for you can you make a

sample sentence with this expression end

it up end it up in the comments below

this video write a beautiful sample

sentence I’ll take a look at it try to

give you some feedback and make sure you

read each other sample sentences it’s

great to learn from each other as well

I’ll see you there and talk to you later

