How To Learn Prepositions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm were you at the meeting or

on vacation let’s talk about

prepositions today a lot of English

learners have asked me Vanessa how can I

learn prepositions but as your English

teacher I want to tell you something

honestly there’s no simple rule or clear

method for memorizing prepositions but I

want to give you some encouragement yes

you will make some mistakes with

prepositions native teachers make some

mistakes with prepositions but today I

want to give you three tips for how you

can feel more comfortable with

prepositions let’s get started my first

tip is a proverb this proverb is don’t

sweat the small stuff don’t sweat the

small stuff sweat is what is on your

face when you work hard when you’re

outside in the Sun there’s some moisture

or liquid on your face and body because

you’re hot this means stress don’t

stress about small things and

prepositions are small things they

aren’t the most important words in your

sentence so don’t stress about them my

second tip is as you are learning new

expressions remember the entire

expression don’t just remember one word

don’t just remember the preposition so

for example in a lesson a little while

ago I made a video about explain to

someone - is a preposition and with this

expression I encouraged you to remember

the entire thing explained to someone

you can learn these kinds of expressions

through listening reading reading is a

great way to learn new vocabulary

listening reading a lot it’s really

important to be continually exposing

yourself to new English whether you’re

reading books articles listening to

music podcasts as you learn new


remember the entire thing this will be

much more natural and more interesting

the third tip the final tip is if you

really want to study prepositions if you

really feel like you can do it without

stress I want to give you a technique

that could be useful for you

so I recommend taking an article for

example the full lesson below this video

on my website has many prepositions if

you aren’t on my website if you’re on

youtube or another website just click on

the link below the video and you can go

to my website and see the full article

so as you are looking at this post this

full lesson I recommend taking your pen

or highlighter or something else and

highlighting the prepositions first

start with one preposition for example

of of anytime you see of highlight it

color it underline it and then in a

notebook I recommend having a different

page for each preposition and on your of

page of at the top of the page write the

sentences that use of this way you’re

not memorizing a rule you’re not

memorizing even just an expression

you’re memorizing and remembering the

entire sentence and as you have more and

more sentences that use of you can have

a bigger idea about the context and the

ways that you can use of so if you have

different pages of on in about you can

see all of the different natural

sentences that use these prepositions

and my recommendation is to do this only

if it is not stressful for you if it is

stressful for you remember tip number

one don’t sweat the small stuff don’t

stress about it my question for you

today is a little challenge can you

write a sentence with one two three or

more prepositions below this video I’m

going to write the top 10 prepositions

so that you can use these as a guide you

can use these ones or others in your

sentence and I’ll give some feedback

back for you I’ll write some corrections

and some tips to help you with your

sentence structure I’m looking forward

to seeing your sentences and talk to you

later bye
