How To Meet English Speakers Anywhere

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm where you can have natural

conversations in english without stress

a lot of my students have told me on

skype that it’s difficult for them to

meet local people when they’re

travelling and this is especially

important when they’re traveling to

english-speaking countries they want to

meet local people so that they can

practice english and meet people from a

different culture but you can’t really

just walk up to a stranger on the street

and ask them to be your friend

so in today’s video i’m going to share

with you my number one tip for meeting

locals in any city around the world even

in your hometown let’s go to meet locals

and native speakers in almost any city

around the world i recommend visiting

the website meet

meet at this website you can

choose any city around the world and you

can choose any interest like sports

hiking language exchange photography

beer small businesses you can choose any

topic that interests you and any city

and see if there’s a group meeting i

want to share with you two meetups that

i found in the very popular cities that

sounded interesting to give you an

example of what these meetups are like a

lot of people visit New York when

they’re first visiting the US so I

recommend going to meetup calm and

checking out two different local meetups

in the area I found one that was

particularly interesting there were over

12,000 people signed up to this meetup

group and it’s called alternatives to

the bar fun things to do in New York

City today and at this meetup there were

30 to 40 people who showed up each time

to the Meetup and with over 800 past

events there is always something going

on and at this Meetup

they have gone on gone to art museums

they’ve gone on adventures reading

festivals music scene animals there’s a

wide variety of topics that this meetup

has covered

so I recommend going to and

checking out this meetup if you’re going

to New York you’ll have a great chance

to meet native speakers the second one

is in London in the UK and this meetup

is called fun and unusual things to do

in London

there have been over 250 past meetups

with about 30 to 50 people each time

that’s great so you have a chance of

meeting 30 to 50 local people who want

to can speak English and who are

interested in a similar activity as you

on this meetup group they go to local

pubs they visit museums they have

walking tours you can learn how to

unicycle learn how to draw Japanese

cartoons they go climbing there is a

wide variety of events at this group and

maybe you’re not going to New York maybe

you’re not going to London but there are

similar meetups all around the world for

myself I have gone to so many different

language exchange meetups meetups odd in

my hometown a small city in America

there’s been meetups for speaking French

in the city where I live now there’s a

French Meetup when I was living in Paris

I went to a volleyball Meetup

there’s meetups of every different type

all around the world so next time you

plan your trip abroad I recommend going

to meet up calm and checking out

different events different local events

that are happening in that area now it

does take a lot of courage to go

somewhere new to meet new people but I

know you won’t regret that I know you

won’t regret what I know you won’t


so let me know in the comments below

have you ever gone to a meet-up from

mera kaam or have you ever gone to any

other Meetup

to meet strangers in a new place or

maybe in your hometown I’ll talk to you


