How to Respond to Sorry Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm it’s okay let’s talk about

it welcome to the sixth lesson in the

series back to basics because this month

july 2017 is the month that my baby will

be born i thought we could use this

concept and go back to the basics of

english back to the beginning and learn

some of the fundamentals that you need

for english conversation you might

already know some of these expressions

and some of these will be building on

your knowledge that you already have

let’s talk about what to say if someone

apologizes to you in the last lesson

lesson number five we talked about how

to say i’m sorry in a couple different

ways but how should we respond to this

let’s talk about this let’s imagine that

you get the opportunity to go to New

York City for vacation and you walk into

the hotel and you’re trying to talk with

the hotel clerk about your room and some

other arrangement but you feel like

maybe you didn’t explain it 100%

accurately you’re worried that maybe

your English wasn’t exactly what you

need it first of all I recommend not

saying I’m sorry for your English but a

lot of people do this so if you say I’m

sorry I don’t know if I explained it

correctly the hotel clerk would probably

say it’s okay it’s okay and this is one

of the most common responses when

someone says I’m so sorry I’m going to

be late you could say it’s okay of

course if it’s not okay you’re going to

find another way to respond but

generally in these situations it’s not a

big deal

oh I’m sorry that I bumped you in the

store I’m sorry oh it’s okay it’s okay

that is our most common response let’s

talk about a couple others the next

expression is Oh

little more casual you can still use

this in business situations but if you

use it in business situations I

recommend adding a little bit this

expression is no problem no problem or

no worries no worries if you’re in a

business situation and someone says oh

I’m so sorry that I’m five minutes late

for our meeting I tried to be here on

time you could say no problem don’t

worry about it

no problem that’s perfectly fine what if

you want to be a little more casual well

you could use the other expression we

just talked about no problem and make it

a little shorter no prob

no prob I use this all the time because

most situations where someone is saying

sorry it’s for little things they open

the door too fast and they accidentally

hit your arm or they bump into you in

the store some small thing like this you

don’t need to say oh don’t worry it’s

okay it’s not a big deal you don’t need

to get stressed about it you can simply

say oh no problem no problem and this is

really quick and casual so in these

small situations this situation this

expression is perfect let’s talk about a

final expression that’s going to be the

most casual of them all it is it’s all

good it’s all good so let’s imagine a

situation where you just got a coffee

drink and you’re walking you’re so

excited you’re about to drink it and

then someone bumps you and it’s still

some of your coffee it’s not the end of

the world but you wish that it hadn’t

happened you could say it’s all good if

someone said I’m so sorry I didn’t want

to hurt your coffee I’m so sorry I

didn’t mean to do it you could say it’s

all good don’t worry no worries no prob

it’s all good sometimes we add these all

together if you want to be extra if you

want to extra emphasize what you’re

saying great idea

add them together now let’s imagine that

that same situation happened to you you

just got some coffee from the coffee

shop and someone bumps you a little bit

and it’s still some of your coffee how

would you respond which one of these

expressions would you use or maybe you

would say ah because you love your

coffee so much well I recommend using

one of these polite expressions so in

the comments below this video write your

answer and we can learn from each other

thanks so much for learning with me and

I’ll see you the next time bye the next

step is to download the free guide back

to English basics I want to help you

master these expressions and speak

fluently feel free to subscribe so that

you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye