How to say Bye Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm see you later

let’s talk about it welcome to this

seventh and final video in the series

back to basics because this month july

2017 is the month that my baby will be

born i thought that we could go back to

the beginning of english go back to the

basics and start with fundamentals for

conversation today we’re going to be

talking about how to say goodbye so if

you would like to get all of these

expressions from the full series i have

a gift for you it’s a free PDF guide

which includes all of the seven

categories from this back to basics

series including a short conversation

dialogue so that you can download it

print it out remember it review it and

really use it as much as possible so if

you’d like this free PDF guide click in

the description below or up here it’s my

gift to you let’s talk about saying

goodbye the most basic way to say

goodbye is simply by but we often add

something else so i want to let you know

native speakers definitely do say buy in

daily conversation it’s not just a

textbook expression but we usually add a

little more because buy by itself feels

a little bit lonely so let’s add some of

the next expressions with by the next

expressions that we add with by our see

you later pop see you later bye see you

later bye talk to you later

and usually we use talk to you later

if we’re on the phone or if we’re not

going to see someone anytime soon

it’s usually something that we used for

Skype or on the phone not in face to

face situations so for me when I’m

seeing my friends I say bye see you

later because I’m gonna see them later

let’s add

or expression2 all the things we’ve

talked about so far bye see you later

have a good morning have a good evening

have a good afternoon we don’t really

use have a good night unless they’re

going to bed unless you know that

they’re directly going to bed this is

more of an expression we use for sleep

have a good night

that’s the last thing that they’re going

to do they’re really going to bed

so typically we use have a good morning

afternoon evening with all of these

expressions bye see you later have a

good evening really typical and I hope

you could use it too we’ve got three

more casual expressions that you can use

to say goodbye

the first one is have a good one have a

good one one here means day have a good


have a good one and actually people

often use this to me when I’m at the

grocery store the people who are working

at the grocery store when they say bye

they say bye have a good one they don’t

really say see you later because they

don’t know if I’m gonna come back and

maybe they don’t really know me

but they want to wish me a good day so

they’ll say bye have a good one

really common the next two expressions

are really casual they are bye catch you


catch you later are you really gonna

catch your friend later probably not but

we use this just to say see you later so

instead of C we use catch catch you

later and this is something I recommend

using with friends especially if you’re

in a casual environment a casual

situation I think that typically guys

use this more than girls but girls can

certainly use this too it’s not so

unusual for girls the final way to say

goodbye is also kind of funny and it

uses the word catch it is catch you on


side slip means turning flip side so

typically this means see you tomorrow

when the day changes catch you on the

flip side but it’s not always

specifically tomorrow it could just mean

see you later

but I recommend using this only with

people who you’re really close to some

casual friends in a casual situation

it’s really fun and it’s kind of a

little joke so make sure that you say

this with a smile catch you on the flip

side maybe you even say catch ya catch

you on the flip side you might hear

people use this in TV shows or movies

just a fun way to casually say bye so

let’s imagine that you’re sitting in a

cafe with your friend it’s a beautiful

day outside

blue skies it’s the middle of July

you’re loving the weather and you have

to say goodbye to your friend which of

these expressions would you like to use

feel free to use as many as you want as

I mentioned we often use them together

so feel free to use these and read each

other’s comments this is a good way to

expand your knowledge and really

reinforce this vocabulary of course feel

free to download the PDF guide it’s my

gift to you have a wonderful day and

I’ll see you the next time bye catch you

on the flipside the next step is to

download the free guide back to English

basics I want to help you master these

expressions and speak fluently feel free

to subscribe so that you don’t miss new

English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye