How to say Sorry Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm i’m sorry let’s talk about


welcome to the fifth video lesson in the

series back to basics because this month

july 2017 is the month that my baby will

be born i thought we could go back to

the beginning with english and really

review some of those basic concepts and

also add some new expressions that maybe

you don’t use on a regular basis i also

have a gift kind of a baby gift for you

if you’d like to download the free PDF

guide with all of these back to basic

expressions there’s seven different

categories then you can download the

free pdf guide in the link in the

description or up here it’s my gift to

you so you can remember and use them

let’s talk about what to say if you made

a mistake yesterday i had some friends

over to my house and one friend called

me and he said i’m sorry i’m gonna be

late i’m sorry

he used this full expression and this

shows that it’s a little more serious he

was worried about being late we used

this fixed expression in situations

where you really want to show that

you’re sorry but what if you want to be

a little more casual

maybe you accidentally bump someone when

you’re walking or something small

happens like that we have a couple more

casual expressions that you can say you

could start with so sorry so sorry the

front door of my apartment doesn’t have

a window in it so sometimes when i’m

leaving the apartment someone else is

coming in and if they open the door


i’m kind of in the way so I kind of have

to jump back and usually the other

person says oh so sorry

it’s not so serious and this is a really

casual situation oh so sorry

but they could also have said sorry

about that sorry about that usually in

this expression because it’s casual and

usually we say it pretty quickly you can

drop the a sorry bout that sorry about

that so when someone opens the door and

I have to jump back a little bit they

could say oh sorry about that sorry

about that and what about if you want to

be extra casual well you could say

simply my bad my bad

and this means I made a mistake it’s my

fault I’m sorry but it’s pretty casual

so I don’t recommend using this in

business situations it’s certainly not

rude and you can use this with family

with friends with acquaintances but it

is pretty casual so use this in

situations that are more familiar if you

accidentally open the door too quickly

and someone has to jump away you could

say oh my bad

no problem that’s a great way to use

this so now it’s your turn to use these

apologizing expressions in the comments

below this video

I want you to use one or more of these

and explain the situation what’s

happening why are you using it try to

remember it and use it as much as you

can thanks so much for learning with me

and I’ll see you the next time bye the

next step is to download the free guide

back to English basics I want to help

you master these expressions and speak

fluently feel free to subscribe so that

you don’t miss new English lesson thanks

so much for learning with me bye