How to say Thanks Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm thank you let’s talk about


welcome to the third video in the series

back to basics because this month july

2017 is the month that my baby will be

born i thought we could use this concept

to go back to the beginning back to the

basics of english and build on some

things that you probably already know

and help you know which situations are

best for which expressions if you would

like to download the free PDF guide that

goes with this series you can have each

of these expressions plus a sample

dialogue feel free to download this it’s

in the description below this video or

you can download it up here at the top

it’s my gift to you

my baby gifts to you let’s imagine that

you download this free PDF guide and you

read it and you think wow this is really

useful thank you so much

vanessa why did you choose to say thank

you thank you well even though this is

the most basic way to show your

appreciation we use this all the time so

it’s not just a textbook expression we

actually use it thank you thank you so

much if you want to make it a little

stronger if you want to make it a little

more casual we can use our second

appreciation expression which is simply

thanks thanks if someone did something

really huge to help you maybe they spent

all Saturday helping you to move from

your old apartment to your new apartment

that’s a really big task so you probably

shouldn’t say just thanks you should

probably add a little more thanks a ton

thanks so much thanks a million you can

still say thanks but I recommend adding

a little bit more because if you just

say thanks

it’s too small for their big task that

they helped you it we usually use just

thanks if someone holds the door for you

if someone hand you something at the

store it’s not a big responsibility just

something small so you could say thanks

what if you want to be super casual well

a lot of people say appreciate it and

this means I appreciate it

maybe someone held the door for you

maybe you drop your groceries and

someone helped you to pick them up this

is something that’s not too big the

small thing but someone helped you and

you want to show that you appreciate

their help you could say appreciate it

usually it said pretty fast and

sometimes we even drop the a at the

beginning you might say appreciate it or

you could say appreciate it with just a

pea make sure that when you use this

it’s in a quick manner you’re saying it

pretty fast and it’s not for a big task

if your friend helps you to move to your

new apartment

I wouldn’t recommend using this because

it’s too casual and it’s too light it’s

for little things that people help you

with so now it’s your turn I want you to

use one of these appreciation

expressions in the comments below this

video try to use one maybe use all of

them and make sure that you review them

in the free PDF guide I’m looking

forward to seeing what you have to say

and I’ll see you the next time bye the

next step is to download the free guide

back to English basics I want to help

you master these expressions and speak

fluently feel free to subscribe so that

you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye