How to say Youre Welcome Back to English Basics Series

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm no problem let’s talk about


welcome to the fourth video in the

series back to basics because this month

july 2017 is the month that my baby will

be born i thought we could go back to

the beginning of english go back to

basics and talk about some important

fundamental elements of english

conversation so if you would like to get

all of these expressions altogether from

the whole series plus a sample dialogue

i have a free gift for you kind of a a

baby gift for you this is a free PDF

guide so you can download all of these

expressions plus the dialogue there’s a

link in the description below this video

or you can download it up here i want to

give this to you to help you remember

and review these let’s talk about what

you should say if someone says thank you

to you let’s imagine that you’re really

happy with this back to basics video

series and you write a comment that says

Vanessa thanks so much for making this

series how can i respond to you well

we’ve got a couple different expressions

some are more formal some are less

formal so let’s just start at the

beginning and go to the other

expressions as well the first two

expressions are a little more formal and

it’s okay to use these when you’re

responding to someone in a more

professional situation you could say

you’re welcome

you are welcome this is the most typical

response that you probably learned in

elementary school thank you you’re


and we use this in daily conversation

but it does feel a little more formal so

later we’ll talk about informal

expressions that you can use in other

situations so we could say you’re


or if you said Vanessa thanks so much


this free PDF guide I really appreciate

it I could say it’s my pleasure it’s my

pleasure and you can say this as well

it’s my pleasure if you did something

for someone else and really it wasn’t a

big deal for you you enjoy doing it you

wanted to do it you could say oh it’s my


it’s my pleasure the other day my

husband Dan accidentally left his

notebook at the local grocery store and

he didn’t know where it was he thought

it was lost forever but the next day

someone knocked on our door and he had

Dan’s notebook in his hand I think Dan

had written our address in the notebook

great idea so when this guy the stranger

came to our house and gave us back the

notebook I said thanks so much I really

appreciate it and he said to me no

problem no problem for him it wasn’t a

big deal and this is a casual situation

it’s not formal or professional just a

guy who found a notebook at the store we

were a similar age and he just said no

problem he also could have said don’t

worry about it

don’t worry about it and this means that

you shouldn’t really think too much

about their kind deed maybe for me it

was a big deal especially for Dan it was

a big deal he was really grateful that

he got his notebook back but for the guy

it wasn’t a big task so he said don’t

worry about it

don’t worry about it he did it out of

the goodness of his heart isn’t it nice

when you meet people like that I love

those situations so I want to tell you

thanks so much for learning English with

me for leaving such positive feedback

and for really interacting writing

comments joining live lessons you guys

are awesome I really appreciate you so

now it’s your

how are you going to respond what

expression do you want to use which

expression feels the most comfortable to

you to respond to my thankfulness in the

comments below write it out I want you

to use this as best as you can

thanks so much and I’ll see you later

bye the next step is to download the

free guide back to English basics I want

to help you master these expressions and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye