How to Understand All Native English Speakers English Fluency Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

would you like to understand all english

speakers let’s talk about it when you

watch a TV show or movie in english can

you understand the general ideas but not

every word it’s great to understand

general ideas but if you want to speak

like those english speakers in the TV

show you need to understand every word

that they’re saying let me give you a

quick example your English speaking

friend is telling you about her travel

experiences you understand generally

what she’s talking about but then she

says what about you where have you

traveled to you want to explain in the

same amount of detail and excitement

that she used but you don’t have all of

the words and the verb tenses and the

expressions to use how can you speak

fluently like your friend if you can

understand every detail of an English

conversation then you can start to

imitate exactly what they’re saying and

speak fluently as well so when your

friend was telling you about her travel

experiences did you understand every

idiom phrasal verb verb tense sentence

structure probably not

you probably understood general ideas

and maybe a few specific words but

understanding the details of an English

conversation is really important this is

the key to fluency so if you need to

understand everything that native

speakers are saying if you want to

imitate it how can you do that how can

you understand all English speakers and

understand everything they’re saying

well I have one tip today you need to

break it down to smaller pieces and

analyze it your ears are gonna get used

to hearing expressions and idioms and

verb tenses used in their natural way

when you’re watching a TV show in

English you don’t need to stop at every

sentence and analyze it

I recommend taking two to four sentences

that’s about 30 seconds of material and

stopping it listening to it again and

again and again write down everything

that you hear and then compare this with

the real transcript what they’re really

saying this is a great way to see what

your ears can hear accurately and what

your ears can’t hear or what they’re

having difficulty hearing maybe there’s

some reductions some type of verbs or

idioms that are difficult for you to

hear so this is a great way to test your

listening skills and improve them it’s

great for me to tell you this method to

analyze a couple of sentences but it’s

even better if we practice it together

and that’s what I want to do today right

now we’re gonna listen to a couple

sentences from a clip of a conversation

that I had with another native English

speaker I want you to listen carefully

and tell me what is the topic what are

the general ideas what’s the topic of

our conversation let’s listen but I have

my friends eventually like I I started

befriending a lot of girls whenever my

parents let me go to like dance classes

and things like that so I start

defending girls unlike a little bit more

of like a even playing field whenever

you’re all dancing and just all looking

weird together it just kind of forms his

bond and so what was the general idea of

the conversation did you understand

generally what we were talking about we

were talking about friends and making

friends but now let me ask you a more

challenging question did you hear the

idiom that she used in the conversation

probably not because we were speaking

quickly and you were listening just for

general ideas to speak fluently you need

to first understand exactly what native

speakers are saying listening for

details is key to speaking fluently and

understanding as many people as possible

let’s listen to that clip again two

times but slowly and I want you to

listen for the

idiom that was used but I had my friends

eventually I started befriended a lot of

girls whenever my parents let me go to

dance classes and things like that so I

started by friending girls on a little

bit more of an even playing field

whenever you’re all dancing and all

looking weird together it just kind of

forms this bond and so so I started by

friending girls on a little bit more of

an even playing field

whenever you’re all dancing and all

looking weird together it just kind of

forms this bond and so did you find the

idiom it was on an even playing field

on an even playing field if you got this

great if not no worries that’s why

you’re here to learn and improve your

English but this was a slow version what

about a fast version could you

understand that expression if you

listened to it quickly let’s try let’s

listen to that conversation a couple

times quickly and I want you to listen

for the expression on an even playing

field on an even playing field this

means there’s no hierarchy one person is

not more important than another you are

on an even playing field let’s listen to

this in the fast original version but I

have my friends eventually like I

started by friending a lot of girls

whenever my parents let me go to like

dance classes and things like that so I

start defending girls unlike a little

bit more of like a even playing field

whenever you’re all dancing and just all

looking weird together it just kind of

forms his bond and so but I have my

friends eventually like I started before

ending a lot of girls whenever my

parents let me go to like dance classes

and things like that so I start

defending girls unlike a little bit more

of like a even playing field whenever

you’re all dancing and just all looking

weird together it just kind of forms his

bond and so could you hear it this time

now you know what on an even playing

field sounds like in a natural

conversation at a

quick speed so if you hear an actor say

it in a TV show or a movie you’ll be

more familiar with it

this will also help you to expand your

vocabulary because now that you can

understand that expression you’re gonna

hear it in a lot of places it’s a

commonly used expression so when you

hear it again in another movie or in a

podcast or on a YouTube video it’s gonna

be building that repetition because

repetition is really key to speaking

well to understanding vocabulary and

using it yourself do you want to

continue improving your listening skills

so that you can speak fluently and

confidently like a native speaker

well I have some good news on January

1st 2018 you can join the 30-day

listening challenge if you’re not sure

about making a new year’s resolution yet

this is your solution join the 30-day

listening challenge as your challenge

your new year’s resolution for English

everyday for 30 days I will email you an

audio clip from a conversation just like

we practiced today you can listen to the

fast version the slow version and then

write down exactly what you hear and you

can compare it with the original

transcript that I’ll send to you this

will help you to learn and listen for

details and use those words yourself

this listening challenge should only

take 5 to 10 minutes every day but you

need to commit to doing it every day

each day the conversation clip will

feature important idioms expressions

phrasal verbs verb tenses sentence

structures that are important for

improving your English speaking advanced

English speaking fluently and

understanding all English speakers that

is the goal of the 30 day listening

challenge so how can you join click the

I at the top of the screen up here for

more information about the challenge or

click the link in the description below

but you have to join before January 1st

because the challenge starts on January

1st you can’t miss an

day so the challenge starts January

first you have to join before that so

don’t let 2017 pass before you join if

you’re watching this after January 1st

2018 you might think oh no it’s too late

I can’t join the 30-day listening

challenge I want to understand native

speakers well I have some good news you

can click on the link in the I or in the

description and all tell you when the

next listening challenge will start

thanks so much for improving your

listening skills with me and working

towards becoming a fluent English

speaker you can do it keep up the good

work and I’ll see you inside the

challenge bye

would you like to understand native

English speakers easily would you like

to imitate them when you speak click the

picture to join the 30-day listening

challenge start 2018 the right way by

improving your English skills thanks so


and keep up the good work with English