How To Use Both Of Us

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm who did you go on vacation

with let’s talk about it i hear my

students say i went on vacation with my

wife we went hiking we tried new food we

went swimming we had a great time they

use the word we a lot but there’s two

expressions today that i want to share

with you so that you can have a varied

vocabulary you can expand your

vocabulary the first one is both of us

both of us went fishing both of us went

swimming both of us liked the new

restaurant the second one is we both we

both went hiking we both went swimming

we both had a great time so let’s talk

about how you can use these sentences

naturally you could say I went to see a

movie last week and we both thought that

it was amazing we both thought that it

was funny we both thought that it was

funny or you could say both of us

thought that it was funny both of us

thought that it was awful both of us

thought that it was awful it was lame it


these are slang expressions so be

careful using them at work or in a

business situation I don’t recommend it

it was awful it was lame this is slang

it sucked

it means the movie was awful it was

awful or you could say both of us want

to show our kids alternative education

options both of us we want the same

thing both of us want to show our kids

about learning in alternative ways or

you could use we both we both want to

show our kids about alternative

education options like the Internet

you’re learning English on the Internet

this is an alternative education option

we both think that it’s really important

let’s change it up a little bit you

could say did both of you have a good

time at the game last night yeah both of

us had a good time at the game both

us or you could say oh it looks like

they had a fun time on their date do you

think that they’re going to go on

another date you could say yeah if both

of them are happy they might go on

another date if they both are happy they

might go on another date on my website

I’m going to give some more sample

sentences and details so that you can

understand how to use this more fully so

if you’re not on my website click the

link below this video and you can get

the full free lesson now I have a

question for you

can you make a sentence using both of us

we both both of them one of these both

expressions I look forward to seeing

your awesome sentences in the sentence

box below and I’ll talk to you later
