How To Use Brush It Off In Conversation

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and today i’m going to tell

you a story about something bad that

happened that I needed to brush off and

secondly I’m going to explain this

expression brush it off let’s get

started this story took place last

February I was teaching a skype lesson

to someone in this room and at the same

time I was cooking some dinner in the

other room but I forgot about it

I forgot that I was I had turned on the

oven and that I was cooking I was

reheating some chili I think it was

chili on the stove so I was teaching my

lesson and the chili was reheating on

the stove and then in the middle of my

skype lesson I smelled something very

strong that smelled burnt and my husband

had just come home and he walked into

the kitchen and the kitchen was full of

smoke there was smoke everywhere because

my chili was burning to a crisp to a

crisp means really really burnt so the

chili was completely black I was

teaching my lesson and I didn’t want to

interrupt it so I just kept a teaching

on skype and I smelled the smoke I

smelled the chili and I thought oh it’s

a disaster but at least my husband just

got home he can fix the problem and I

can finish my lesson and it will be okay

so the kitchen was full of smoke and it

was the middle of the winter so my

husband tried to open the window to let

the smoke out but the windows were very

brittle brittle means very hard and easy

to break because in the winter sometimes

the glass gets really hard and if you

hit it the wrong way it might break so

you can imagine what happened the chili

is burning the smoke is filling the

kitchen and he tries to open the window

and the window breaks

so I hear the while I’m teaching my

lesson I hear glass shatter

and I didn’t hear my husband scream or

anything so I figured he’s probably okay

he’s not bleeding or really hurt and so

the chili is burning the kitchen’s full

of smoke the window is broken and I’m

trying to finish my skype lesson in a

few minutes my lesson finished and I ran

into the kitchen to see what happened

and he was okay

thankfully he just had a little cut but

the window was broken our dinner was

burnt and there was nothing we could do

about it you can’t change the past so we

just had to brush it off brush it off

brush it off is an expression to me

forget about it don’t worry about it

just think about it and get over it we

already talked about the expression get

over it in the video 5 get expressions

you had to just get over it so in the

situation we just had to brush it off it

was a problem yes our chili was burnt

the window was broken it was cold

outside and wind was coming in but we

can’t get angry about it you can’t get

upset about it you just have to brush it

off so my question for you is has there

been a time in your life when something

happened that was bad or annoying or

difficult and you just had to brush it

off you didn’t want to think about it

for a long time or get upset about it

for a long time or angry about it you

just had to brush it off thanks so much

for watching this video and don’t forget

to download my free ebook you can click

on the link below to do that I’ll talk

to you later goodbye
