How To Use COME HOME 50 Natural English Expressions

hi welcome to the course 50 natural

English expressions by speak English

with Vanessa I’m Vanessa and in this

course I’m gonna teach you 50

expressions that native speakers use in

daily conversation in the course you’re

gonna hear my voice and you’ll also hear

the voice of my husband Dan who’s going

to join me for the conversation lessons

so I recommend listening to these

episodes and also downloading the

transcript and reading it at the same

time it’s useful to listen and read at

the same time so that you can catch each

expression and each sentence and

understand it more fully are you ready

to get started this is the first lesson

in the first section about family each

section is a different topic but you can

use these expressions in other

circumstances of course but I think it’s

really valuable to remember expressions

in a context I want you to remember the

stories remember the sentences so I put

them into different categories different

sections so that you can more easily

remember them so the first lesson the

first expression today is go home come

home or go to the house but first I want

to tell you two sentences that my

students have often used that are not

correct I’ve heard my students say I

came to home at 6 p.m. every night I go

to home at 6 p.m. every night the

problem is adding to with home we only

use to with house I came to the house I

went to the house at 6 p.m. but we don’t

really use this expression to the house

very often so I want to teach you how to

use go home

come home and we’re not gonna focus on

go and come we’re gonna focus

on home this entire expression go home

come home so I want to teach you 3

different ways to use this expression

first in a positive way then in a

negative way and then in a question

first let’s look at a positive sentence

you can say when I come home I usually

change into comfortable clothes or you

could say most college students go home

for summer vacation this is a come home

go home

there’s no to in this expression let’s

take a look at a negative sentence here

are two examples you could say I can’t

go home for summer vacation because I

got a part-time job near my college or

I’m sorry but I can’t come home at 6

tonight we have a surprise meeting until

8 p.m.

can’t come home can’t go home let’s look

at 2 questions so that you can use this

expression in a question you could say

are you going to go home early tonight

or we could say why can’t you come home

early I made a nice dinner and the

weather is perfect for a picnic come

home go home and now I want to tell you

a story so that you can remember this

expression and the context so that you

can use it on your own when I was a kid

I loved it when my dad came home he

always came home at 5:30 p.m. every

night and I knew it in elementary school

I did my homework on the table in the

kitchen and I watched the front door to

see if I could see his car when I heard

his car every day my sister and I both

ran to the door to jump up and give him

a big hug we always screamed daddy’s

home daddy’s home even though he was

probably tired he would always play

thus and talk to us about our day he

could come home at 5:30 because he

started work early at 8 o’clock in the

morning there were only a few days when

he didn’t come home at 5:30 when he had

to go on a business trip he always

called us and said I’m sorry I can’t go

home until later tonight but whenever he

came home later he always asked to talk

to my sister and I on the phone to tell

us he would tell us I’m sorry that I

can’t come home for dinner tonight but

tonight when I get home I’ll read you an

extra story at bedtime I feel really

lucky to have a dad who cared about

coming home to spend time with his


and now I have two questions for you but

before I tell you the questions I want

to tell you what I recommend doing with

these questions there are a couple

things first of all you can answer the

question in your head maybe you are on

the train right now and you don’t feel

comfortable speaking out loud

I understand answer the question in your

head or if you’re in a quiet place if

you’re at home if you are somewhere

where you feel comfortable

answer the question out loud answer with

a couple words a sentence or a complete

story say as much as you can to exercise

those speaking muscles another option is

to go to our private Facebook group for

course members only and you can write

your answer to these questions and share

it with other people or better yet make

a quick video and exercise those

speaking muscles and share it with other

people this is a positive environment so

you can feel comfortable writing and

speaking and using English so are you

ready for those two questions that you

can answer to use today’s expressions

the first question is what time do you

go home from work or school

what time do you go home from work or

school and the second question is what

do you do when you come home from work

what do you do after you get home do you

watch TV do you eat some dinner do you

relax do you play with your kids tell me

what do you do when you come home from

work I’m looking forward to helping you

use your speaking skills and also using

this expression that is the most

important part to help you remember it

and to help you gain confidence so speak

out loud or write an answer in our

Facebook group or make a quick video to

share your answers with everyone I’ll

see you again in Lesson number two