How To Use Happen

hi I’m Vanessa from the website speak

English with Vanessa comm are you gonna

tell me what happened let’s get started

today’s natural expression is the word

happen last week I had three students

say it occurred yesterday even though

occur is a great word we don’t really

use it in natural conversation very

often some students say when was it what

did you do on vacation and these

sentences are okay but native speakers

would change it a little bit so let me

give you some sample sentences with the

word happen when did it happen it

happened yesterday what happened I don’t

know did anything fun happen on vacation

yes we did a lot of fun stuff so now I

want to tell you a little story with the

word happen so that you can feel more

comfortable using this word and it will

help you remember it last week one of my

Japanese students told me an incredible

story that happened to him the week

before he said that he lost his wallet

while he was on the train and losing

your wallet is terrible but for him it

was awful because he had over a thousand

dollars in cash in his wallet so when he

realized that he lost his wallet he

tried to think about what could have

happened so he called the police station

and there was nothing he called the

train company and there was nothing so

he tried to think what could have

happened where could my wallet be where

could I have dropped it and then he

realized oh maybe I dropped it in

between trains so he decided to go back

to that train station and see if maybe

he had dropped it

maybe his bag was open and it fell out

of his of his bag so he went back to

that train station and guess what

happened he went to the ticket window

and there was his wallet with all of his

cash inside the wallet all of his money


still there this is incredible I can’t

believe this happened I’m pretty sure

this would never happen in the US but

what about your country would something

like this happen in your country on my

website I’m going to give some more

sample sentences and details about how

to use the expression happen so if

you’re not on my website right now click

the link below this video to get the

full free lesson and now I have a

question for you what is something

amazing that happened to you

try to use this natural word happen in

some sample sentences I’ll check out

your sentences and I’ll talk to you

