How To Use In Common

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa khan and today I want to teach

you the expression have something in

common with someone else are you ready

let’s get started what’s the first thing

you do when you meet someone new when

you first have a conversation with them

you probably try to find something that

you have in common with the other person

even if your backgrounds are very

different you most likely have something

in common maybe you both don’t like to

wake up in the morning or maybe you both

like hiking or maybe you both ate sushi

yesterday something that you have in

common with someone else I just shared

with you several examples of how you can

use this expression but let’s go back

and take a look at them I said find

something in common with someone else

you try to find something that you have

in common it means a common interest

some common ground maybe you have a lot

in common with your friends or maybe you

don’t have a lot in common with your

friends maybe you just have a common

background you both went to the same

middle school you both went to the same

college but your interests aren’t very

similar this is something in common but

not very much in common so maybe if you

have a lot in common you have the same

interest the same backgrounds maybe the

same friends mutual friends you have a

lot in common with each other I have a

question for you have you ever met a

stranger and realized that you had

something in common

maybe you both went to the same high

school maybe you both are going to Rome

next week you both have something in

common and you can start a friendship

start a relationship or simply start a

conversation because you have something

in common now I want you to be able to

use this expression naturally and in

your daily life so please leave a

comment below

and let me know what do you have in

common with your friends or have you

ever met a stranger and you realized you

had something in common with them I’ll

see you in the comments below and talk

to you later
