How To Use Pretty And That

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

I think this lesson isn’t that hard in

fact it’s pretty easy let’s get started

a lot of my students use the word very a

lot it’s very delicious

very hot very hard very slow but today I

want to tell you two more words that you

can add to your vocabulary so that you

don’t always have to say very these

words are called intensifiers because

they make what you’re saying more

intense they make it stronger if you

want to say very of course you can say

very hot really hot but what if it’s not

really hot what if it’s a little bit

less than that you can say pretty pretty

and in American English T’s often change

to DS so we could say pretty pretty you

could say last weekend was pretty rainy

or I’m pretty happy that it’s over now

I’m pretty happy that it’s not raining

now pretty it’s pretty hot today it’s

pretty chilly in the fall pretty the

second intensifier is the word that that

usually we use that in a negative

sentence for example you could say it’s

not that hot today I’m not that hungry

yet a lot of my students say I’m not

very hungry yet it’s not very hot today

that’s okay you can say this but the

word that is probably used more often

and I want to give you some more options

so that you aren’t saying the same words

again and again it’s not that hot today

it’s not that hard to use this

expression on my website I’m going to

give some more details and sample

sentences about how to use the words

pretty and that in a natural way so if

you are not on my web

site if you are on YouTube or another

website click the link below this video

so that you can see the full free lesson

and now it’s your turn to write a sample

sentence I want you to write below this

video a sample sentence 1 or 2 using

these intensifiers pretty that I’ll

check your sample sentence and try to

give you some feedback I’m looking

forward to seeing what you write and

I’ll talk to you later bye