How To Use Say VS Tell

hi I’m Vanessa from speak English with

Vanessa comm and I have something to say

I have something to tell you

let’s get started even some of my

highest students mix up say Intel so

today I want to give you some examples

to help you use it naturally but first I

want to tell you the wrong way to use it

I hear a lot of my students say my wife

tells to me to pick up my clothes my

wife says me to pick up my clothes

oh let’s change this a little bit the

biggest difference between say Intel is

that Tao has no - I told my wife I was

going to leave in 10 minutes she told me

that she was going to be ready after an

hour tell someone so we need to use

words like me him her you directly after

tell I told her she told me he told you

we need it directly after so except for

a few set expressions like tell the

truth usually we have him/her directly

after tell if you want to use said we

have a few more options you could say my

wife said that she wanted me to pick up

my clothes she said that she wanted me

to pick up my clothes or you could say

my wife said pick up your clothes in

direct quotations she said pick up your

clothes or you could say my wife said to

me to me pick up your clothes so with

the word said we have a few more options

so make sure when you’re using tell you

don’t use too let’s see some other

sentences I want to tell you a story

first using tell and then using say so

that you can see the difference a few

weeks ago my student told me that she

would be visiting the US soon so I told

her some recommendations for nice

is to visit I told her let’s use this

with say last month my student said to

me that she would be visiting the US

soon she said that she would be visiting

the US soon so I said that I have some

recommendations for great places that

she could visit I said that I had some

great places for her on my website I’m

going to be giving some more sample

sentences and details to help you feel

comfortable using these two commonly

used words so if you’re not on my

website click the link below this video

and you can get the full free lesson now

I have a challenge for you can you write

a sentence in the comment section using

say and tell correctly I’ll check your

sentences and try to give you some

feedback so that you know that you’re

using them naturally I’ll see you later

good bye