Just A Quick Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i just want to make a

quick video to just help you understand

a useful natural expression let’s get


actually i have already used this word

two times i said i just want to make a

quick video to just help you understand

a useful natural expression can you

guess what this word is it is the word

just just so today I’m going to explain

two ways that you can use the word just

to sound natural in fluent in your


the first way to use the word just is to

explain something spontaneous something

quick almost like by the way something

not too serious let me give you an

example my first example is before you

visit Chicago I just wanted to tell you

that you should probably watch out for

pickpockets I just wanted to tell you

before you go to Chicago this is a quick

explanation something quick oh I just

wanted to tell you watch out for

pickpockets it’s a last minute thought

oh I just remembered I want to tell you

something and if you would like more

help using the word showed it probably I

have just made a video about that you

can go to my website speak English with

Vanessa comm to find that lesson I just

wanted to let you know another example

of using just to describe something that

you want to tell someone quickly is if

you said oh I know you’re busy this

weekend but I just wanted to invite you

anyway I just wanted to invite you

anyway and note the pronunciation on

this word I just wanted to invite you


I don’t really say the T sound I just

wanted I just

I just wanted to invite you anyway this

is something I’m thinking of doing that

isn’t very serious I just wanted to

invite you anyway another example is if

I were talking with a guy if I were

talking with a man and my friend says to

me oh Vanessa who’s that I could say oh

he’s just my cousin he’s just my cousin

it’s nothing serious

don’t worry he’s just my cousin this is

a great way to use the word just or just

in a natural way now let’s talk about

the second way you can use just the

second way you can use the word just is

to describe something that happened

recently so for example you could say I

just came home from work five minutes

ago I just came home from work five

minutes ago

not that long ago I just came home you

could also say I came home five minutes

ago I recently came home but just is a

really natural word that you can use to

describe something that happened quickly

so you could even say I just got home

and the person you’re talking to can

understand it happened recently maybe

five minutes ago I just got home another

example could be ah I didn’t see the

package in the mail I just checked one

hour ago maybe it’s not going to come

until tomorrow

I just checked the mail one hour ago I

recently checked the mail a final

example is he just told me that he can’t

come to the party tonight he just told

me he told me recently that he couldn’t

come to the party now I have a question

for you can you write a sample sentence

below this video using the word just for

example you could say Vanessa I just

wanted to tell you that I just watched

the video oh this uses both ways that

you can use the word just amazing now

it’s your turn you can use one way both

ways other ways that you know of

is your chance to use English I look

forward to seeing your sentences and

talk to you later goodbye