Learn Vocabulary Through Conversation COMMON Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and i’m dan her husband and

today we’re gonna talk about the word

common deeply are you ready I’m ready

let’s go today we’re gonna talk about

three different ways to use the word

common and if you enjoy these videos

with Dan we teach a 1-hour vocabulary

lesson video every month in the fearless

fluency Club for more information click

the fearless fluency Club calm in the

description let’s start with the first

one alright Dan I have a question for

you what is something that’s common for

Americans to do on the weekend

well something that might be common for

an American to do would be go to the

park or maybe a common activity would be

to see a movie on the weekends and I bet

you most Americans commonly go to a

restaurant on the weekends oh sure maybe

just to relax or avoid doing the dishes

like me so Dan used the word common to

talk about something that happens often

maybe it’s kind of a habit or it’s just

a routine it’s not unusual yeah it’s

something that’s not unusual and this is

the most common way to use the word

common it’s the most often used so

that’s our first way but let’s take it

up a notch let’s take it to the next

level and talk about the second way for

the second version I have another

question for you are you ready yes okay

I want to know what do you have in

common with me hmm

something in common yeah what do you

have in common with me well I think we

have a lot in common

first of all we both like to go outside

a lot so we’re outdoorsy people we like

to hike and play games and see views

outside so our outdoors enos if so to

speak we have that in common yeah I

think something else that we have in

common is that we like cats

mmm-hmm we love cats yes we like cats

and hopefully our son will also like cat

yes so far so good so we have a couple

things in common we like common

activities we have some common interests

you could say we have a lot in common

with each other so this expression in

common with someone a long time ago I

made a youtube video about this but I

think it’s good to combine it in this

video with the word common to help you

repeat it and remember it so I want to

know for you what’s something that you

have in common with your family members

do you have anything in common with them

maybe you have nothing in common with

them what do you have in common with

them the third way to use the word

common is actually the least common yeah

the least frequently used in daily

conversation but for this video I want

to make sure that you’re learning

multiple ways to use it because we’re

going deeply this isn’t just the most

common ways we’re using it a lot today

but this word is gonna be a little more

scientific so if you watch documentaries

if you like learning about nature you’re

probably gonna hear this so I want to

ask you Dan the other day we were

walking in the woods and we saw a lake

and we heard something what did we hear

in the lake well we heard a common toad

aha so this is just it might be a

scientific term but it just means a very

common animal but it’s actually in the

actual scientific name sure so some

animals are actually called in the Latin

and scientific name a common toad right

but you can also use this as a general

term you mean it’s not a special kind

it’s just normal it’s nothing too

extraordinary yeah if you went to the

city and you saw a lot of pigeons you

would just say yeah it’s a common pigeon

yeah they’re everywhere right and

special nothing special poor pigeons and

now it’s your turn

to use today’s deep expression yes you

should tell us in the comment

what is something common to do in your

country mmm what do you do on the

weekends what’s a common activity to do

on the weekends in your country let us

know and let’s learn about each other’s

cultures that’s a great way to learn

about international activities thanks so

much for learning with us today and

learning three ways to use common if you

enjoyed the vocabulary video with Dan

feel free to check out our a longer

vocabulary video every month in the

fearless fluency club join us thanks so

much for learning with us and we’ll see

you the next time bye okay

would you like to expand your vocabulary

with Dan and I and express yourself more

fully the next step is to join The

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download a free sample lesson set thanks

so much

and keep up the good work with English