Learn Vocabulary Through Conversation FEELING Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and I’m Dan and today we’re

gonna talk about the word feeling deeply

are you ready ready

let’s go today we’re gonna talk about

four ways to use the word feeling and if

you enjoy today’s vocabulary video with

Dan feel free to enjoy and learn with

our one our vocabulary lesson every

month in the fearless fluency Club

there’s a just a link in the description

and let’s start with our first way

feeling yes so I wouldn’t know when you

were a kid did you ever go to hands-on

museum a hands-on Museum maybe once or

twice okay well can you describe what a

hands-on museum is well basically at a

hands-on museum you go and feel a lot of

things so you go to one area and you get

to touch and feel different materials

and different tools and you get to

animals yeah you and you get to

experience the feeling of a lot of

different things yeah so you already

used the definition of the word feel the

first definition which is to touch and

you can use these pretty much in the

same situation I like to feel the soft

fur on my cat I like to touch the soft

fur yeah I’d like to feel the texture

yeah I would say touching is quicker

okay maybe that’s a difference yeah so

if you touch something it could be for

one second it could be longer but

feeling is more touching a lot of it

yeah for a longer period and getting a

better understanding of how something

feels physically great so this is

probably the definition of feel that you

learned in school or the most general

idea but let’s talk about the second one

and take it up to the next level hmm

I want to know Dan how are you feeling

today how am I feeling well today I feel

pretty good

pretty good today yeah pretty good not

great but you know I feel okay why don’t

you feel great today no it’s just a day

just a day okay that’s fair enough

so yeah obviously in this sense we’re

talking about emotional feelings yeah or

internal feelings so I feel good today I

don’t feel great but I feel good okay

that’s fine just a normal day people

asked me this a lot how are you feeling

when I was pregnant because you feel a

lot of different ways you might feel

anxious or feel excited or feel sick how

are you feeling so that’s just a really

basic question but I recommend when you

greet someone unless they look like

they’re not feeling great maybe don’t

start with this question

instead of saying oh hey how are you

doing today don’t say hey how are you

feeling yeah it’s a little too personal

you think yeah how are you doing is more

common yeah I think that’s more common

so if you want to ask how are you

feeling maybe that’s better as a third

question or fourth questions deeper it’s

more about your emotions so Dan who do

you think is gonna win your hockey game

next week mm-hmm I have a feeling we’re

gonna win oh really why it’s just a

feeling do you see his gesture here just

a feeling

just a feeling so his shoulders are

moving and that’s really common when you

don’t really know you’re not certain you

can’t say we will win but you just have

a feeling you have an idea it’s a

possibility so maybe you look outside

and say oh I have a feeling it’s gonna

rain later this afternoon because it’s

cloudy a little dark kind of windy so

you have a feeling you have an idea and

this is the full expression I have a

night I have a feeling I have an idea

but you can also use it in another way

that’s similar dan already used this

it’s just a feeling how do you know it’s

just a feeling yeah it’s just a feeling

yeah some and of story yeah into the

story you don’t want to talk about it so

maybe someone

gives you a present for your birthday

and you look at it and it looks like a

book it feels like a book and you say I

think it’s a book yeah and your friend

says hey how do you know and you can say

it’s just a feeling I don’t really know

but it’s really literally by feeling -

yeah you can feel the book and say it’s

just a feeling so that’s the way to

combine both of these but let’s talk

about the final way a special idiom

mm-hmm so Vanessa can you tell me what

you did the other weekend well I went to

a new kind of yoga class I went to a

mama baby yoga class where you bring

your baby to the yoga class and everyone

there has a baby and I tried to do yoga

but I didn’t really know what it was

gonna be like because our baby’s still

pretty young and unpredictable so I

wanted to just go and feel it out and

see what happened and it was pretty good

I think it wasn’t completely successful

because he wanted to be carried a lot

and he wanted to be fed so I was a

little bit distracted but it was a

pretty good experience overall so do you

think you’ll do it again

I think I’ll wait maybe a couple months

until he’s a little bit older but it was

pretty cool I’d say yeah so if you

noticed she used the term feel it out

yes and this means to try something to

get used to it so in this case she

wanted to go to yoga and just try it so

in order to try it if you want to say

that you’re really practicing you could

say feel it out

which means find out how it feels what

it looks like how it smells in there

every aspect not the situation I would

say also that we often use feel it out

especially as a full expression it’s

almost always together with kids feel it

out I went to yoga class and I wanted to

feel it out and now it’s your turn to

use this expression yes we want to know

in the comments what is something you

have a feeling will happen in the next


let us now use this expression or use

the other ways of using the word feeling

use this as much as you can and thanks

so much for learning feeling with us if

you enjoyed this type of video back and

forth kind of conversation vocabulary

style we make a 1-hour vocabulary lesson

every month in The Fearless fluency Club

you can check out the link in the

description below this video to join and

learn more as much as you can

thanks so much and we’ll see you later

bye bye

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