Learn Vocabulary Through Conversation ORDER Advanced English Lesson

hi I am Vanessa from speak English with

Vanessa comm and I’m Dan and today we’re

gonna talk about how to use the word

order deeply are you ready to get

started ready let’s go


today we’re gonna talk about three ways

to use the word order and if you enjoy

today’s video with Dan feel free to join

us every month for a 1-hour

vocabulary lesson in the fearless

fluency Club with Dan and I there’s a

link in the description below this let’s

talk about the first way hmm I want to

know what is something that you like to

order in a restaurant

ah so when I go to the restaurant I like

to order hamburgers I really like

hamburger it’s such a typical American

answer is but you know if I go to a

restaurant and I’m not sure what I want

and I’m not feeling like they have

something really really special I’ll

just say hey I’ll order a hamburger you

can’t mess up a hamburger right so in

this situation we’re just talking about

the most basic way to use the word order

which is in a restaurant you’ve probably

used this way in your classes maybe when

you’re role playing going to a

restaurant you’re ordering something the

waitress asks what do you want to order

are you ready to order

but it could also mean something a

little bit different as well yeah it

could be more commanding yeah so for

instance you might say my boss ordered

me to work harder so that’s more of a

command yes you must do this i order you

yeah and in this what you wish really

you wouldn’t say that to many people

right because here it’s kind of strong

but the sentence constructions a little

different so in the first situation I’m

ordering food I’m ordering a new water

bottle from Amazon you’re ordering an

item yeah when you buy stuff you can say

order right but the second way is

ordering someone

so if you say he ordered me I ordered

her in this situation it’s gonna be more

like an Army drill sergeant he ordered

me go to the store you should order me

usually the person has to be above you

in some way a boss a parent a military

sergeant sure but sometimes if someone

like child orders other people you might

say it’s not such a good thing yeah like

the child she’s always ordering around

her little brother she always orders her

parents to do what she wants to so this

is a pretty negative situation and it’s

pretty strong so make sure you say I

order something if you’re gonna buy

something let’s talk about the second

way sometimes I try to put my sock

drawer in order okay that’s one example

putting something in order and this full

expression put in order you can imagine

Dan opens the drawer and his socks are

so orderly pink purple blue yes all of

Dan’s colorful socks just look like a

rainbow yeah you can imagine it’s in

order so the verb is to put in order put

something in order so not in chaos right

so for me when I look at my bookshelf

they are in order but they’re not in

order by author they’re not in order by

color they’re in order by topic and size

so the tallest books go down to the

smallest books and I have books about

language books about traveling books

about history

there’s topics and size they’re in order

by size yeah would you use this same

expression put an order by size put in

order by height yeah it just depends on

the day really for me oh I’d say it’s an

order of size maybe by topic so here

we’ve got two choices to put in order by

topic I put my books in order by topic

I put my books in order of topic you

could say that for me I

they buy more often some people might

say of you might hear that but I think

buy is probably gonna be a little bit

better in this situation so you could

also say maybe someone asks what are you

doing during your vacation you could say

I’m putting my life in order yeah ionic

I’m getting my life in order yes I’m

getting my life in order so it’s a


you’re not literally making something

physically in order but just the mental

idea yeah maybe in your head yeah maybe

your habits yeah maybe your life is

really chaotic you could say I’m getting

my life in order I need to do something

I’m gonna take a break and get my life

in order all right let’s talk about the

third way all right Dan I want to know

are you an orderly person orderly hmm so

in general is everything around me in

order oh not really I mean that’s your

sock drawer

except my sock drawer yeah I think I

have to work a little hard to be orderly

yeah so by nature I don’t clean

everything up

I don’t stack my clothes in a specific

way except for my sock drawer yeah so I

would say I am medium to low orderly

sure sure so you’re not the most orderly

person no I think for me if you watch

these videos you might think I’m really

orderly but I think I’m only orderly in

specific areas in my life so around our

living room there’s things on the floor

it’s not so messy but it’s not really

clean yeah so it doesn’t bother me when

things are a little bit messy but if

it’s really messy then we try to put

things in order

yeah but in general I think I would say

I’m a average person I would say you’re

a pretty orderly person okay I’m pretty

orderly so I wouldn’t know for you let

us know in the comments below are you an

orderly person do you like to put things

in order in your house yeah and give us

an example of what you keep in order

yeah let us know in the

it’s a great way to use this expression

and if you enjoyed today’s video I hope

you did I hope you learned a lot feel

free to learn with us every month in our

one hour vocabulary lesson in the

fearless fluency Club there’s a link in

the description below learn with me

learn with Dan and improve your

vocabulary thanks so much for learning

with us and we’ll see you the next time

bye bye

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and keep up the good work with English