Learn Vocabulary Through Conversation RIGHT Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and I’m Dan and today we’re

gonna talk about the word right deeply

right right let’s get started today

we’re gonna talk about three and a half

ways to use the word right but if you

enjoy today’s video join us every month

for our one hour vocabulary lesson with

Dan and I in the fearless fluency Club

there’s a link in the description below

so if you enjoy this continue your

education keep learning with us every

month and let’s talk about the first way

to use the word right right I want to

know what’s on your right what’s on my

it’s you who’s on your right I’m on your

right yes so the in this case we’re

talking about the direction right and

you probably already know your right

hand versus your left hand you can even

say your right handed and that means you

primarily use your right hand yeah

so this is just the directional way to

use right turn right turn left

sometimes when I’m helping Dan navigate

he’s driving and I’m looking at the map

I sometimes say go right and really I

mean go left

oh whoops ago right no yeah yeah left

left left that’s right left sometimes I

mess it up a little bit sometimes I mix

up right and left I don’t know why yeah

I’ve heard that people who are

left-handed often mix up directions but

I’m right-handed so I have no excuse

yeah no but in the end right is a

direction so that’s the first way to use

it and it’s also a location too so you

can say on the right

oh yeah as well yes but physically the

gross the grocery store on the right I’m

talking to somebody yes it’s on the

right well let’s talk about the second

way because the second way is actually

two and a half ways to use this are you

ready ready

okay Dan I want to know do you know

anyone who thinks

that they’re always right always right

these people are so annoying so somebody

who thinks they’re correct about

everything yes we used to have a friend

who always thought he knew what was

right so he had an idea and he’d say it

and you would say are you sure and he’d

be like yes I know he’s always right

always he knew everything yes well

there’s a little joke about this word


that a woman says I married mr. right

and that means I married the correct

person the correct person for me but

then she says in the joke

I married mr. right but I didn’t know

that his first name was always always

right that’s a classic yeah those people

are really annoying someone never says

oh I was wrong yeah I see you’re often

wrong I’d say they’re usually men too

you think so yeah people who think

they’re always right right so I want to

know do you know someone who thinks

they’re always right I hope they’re not

a close friend and you can also use this

just to mean okay - right so you just

use this and I just use this this is the

half way the half three point five ways

so what is the way we can use this so if

somebody asks you you went to the store

yesterday right you could just say right

it means correct or okay but it’s just a

tag word that you can add to the end and

like Dan said oh you went to the store

yesterday right hmm is this okay right

this is okay right so you can use it at

the end just to check just to make sure

and it’s very similar to being right he

is always right she was right about the


oh I thought it would be sunny but it’s

really rainy she was right we shouldn’t

have planned to go hiking

she was right right right so make sure

that your voice goes up right right

right yes and I have a third bonus

meeting Oh a bonus me

it’s basically the same as correct but

we mean this in a moral sense so you can

say I don’t like what she did it’s not

right so if you say it’s not right that

means it’s a bad thing to do you’re

wrong morally so if I punch Vanessa in

the face it’s not right that’s not right

right it’s absolutely not acceptable

right it is not right and we mean this

morally so we use it in a moral sense as


yeah well this kind of is linked to the

third meaning so let’s go to the third

meaning and talk about some of the

differences the third way to use the

word right is a little bit more of a

legal term and here I have a copy of the

Constitution of the United States of

America this is the document that um 250

years ago 300 years ago almost our

founding fathers the people who started

the United States they wrote this and

they thought that these rules would help

create our country yes nowadays we kind

of follow them not really it’s a little

more they’re up for interpretation yeah

they’re a little more loosely

interpreted now but in this there is a

section called the Bill of Rights and

this word right is a noun the Bill of

Rights it means what are you allowed to

do yeah so in the Bill of Rights it says

things like you can have the freedom to

have any religion you want you can have

the freedom to own a gun you can have

the freedom

yes you can have the freedom to do

things you are allowed to do them you

have the right to do it yeah so this is

typically the situation when we would

use this Oh I’m allowed to do it I have

the right to do it it’s pretty strong

yes what about you what how would you

say that you would use this word um so

this word is used a lot just to say I’m

allowed to do something or it’s a

acceptable pretty strongly yeah I’ll

just tell you what my favorite right is

okay yeah my favorite right is the right

to free speech free speech so what does

that mean yes this means that you can

say or write anything as long as it’s

not directly harming somebody right so

you can’t say fire in a movie theater

that’s not permissible but you can write

something about your politician you can

write about somebody who’s rich you can

talk about them freely and you’re not

gonna go to jail and you won’t go to

jail just because of what you said sure

so that’s one of the fundamental basic

rights in the US and a lot of people

feel really strongly about the rights

that are in the Constitution and as you

saw from our quick conversation about

this it’s typically used in a government

sense kind of a legal sense yep but you

might hear people use it in other ways

so you could use it in a joking way if

if Dan is eating let’s say a really

amazing bowl of ice cream and I want

some I can say a joke I can just say hey

we’re married it’s my right to have one

bite of your ice cream we have to share

it’s my right it’s not really my right

it’s not legal it’s not necessary but

it’s kind of a joke because we’re

married so I should have some of your

ice cream right so this is just kind of

a joking way that you can use it it’s a

deeper meaning and you’re gonna see this

in movies and TV shows people using it

literally people are using it

figuratively people using it

sarcastically so I hope that in this

video you learned a bunch of different

ways to use the word right and I hope it

will expand your vocabulary and also

help you to understand more because

understanding and speaking is really

linked together and if you enjoyed this

video make sure that you check out our

one hour conversation in the fearless

fluency club where we talk about

vocabulary deep

every month there’s a link in the

description below before you go we have

a question we want to ask you about the

word rights mm-hmm in the comments below

tell us what do you think is right and

what is something you think is wrong so

we can compare the two and we mean this

in a moral sense so obviously murdering

somebody is wrong but what’s right is

something that’s right well let us know

in the comments and I think it’ll be

interesting to see what each other says

I really appreciate you learning with us

and we’ll see you again the next time

bye bye would you like to expand your

vocabulary with dan and I and express

yourself more fully the next step is to

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set thanks so much

and keep up the good work with English