Learn Vocabulary Through Conversation USE Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and I’m Dan and today we’re

gonna talk about how to use the word use

deeply use the word use yes are you

ready to get started ready let’s go


today we’re gonna talk about three ways

to use the word use and if you enjoyed

this video feel free to join dan and I

every month for a 1-hour vocabulary

lesson in the fearless fluency club

there’s a link in the description below

let’s get started with the first way I

want to know Dan loves coffee so I want

to know in the morning what are some

things that you use to make coffee hmm

well I have a a pretty strict regiment

for how I make my coffee so I use a lot

of things yeah so first I use a kettle

to boil the water mm-hmm I use a mug

obviously to hold my coffee mm-hmm I use

a grinder to grind up my coffee and it’s

a pretty nice grinder and then I use a

filter and the cup I don’t know what you

call the cup for it but we call it a

pour over the top the type of coffee is

a pour over so I use a little filter and

then a filter holder to put the coffee

in and then pour the hot water into the

filter and then it filters through and

makes the coffee yep makes the best

coffee possible right yes oh and then of

course I use coffee oh of course you use

coffee coffee beans so here we’re

talking about using something so there

is an item and it’s important for a

process such as making coffee you use it

right and this is a really neutral way

to use the word use it’s not positive

it’s not negative it’s just neutral yes

because the second way is gonna be a

little more negative yeah but it’s not

using an item it’s using someone mm-hmm

so when we say

I think that my friend’s boyfriend is

using her who what does that mean to you

yes so if you use this word with people

then it means that you are taking

advantage of them you’re being selfish

and you’re not thinking about them at


you only want to get something from them

yes so that’s why you would say I’m he’s

using her I feel used

right so when you’re using something

like I’m using a kettle to boil water

it’s really neutral but when you say I’m

using him I’m using her it’s much more

negative because it means that you don’t

care about that person you just want

something from them so for example maybe

you know somebody who doesn’t know how

to speak English well and they meet

someone who is a native English speaker

and maybe that person who is a native

English speaker is really nice but the

person who doesn’t speak English well

wants to be their friend not because

they’re a nice person but because they

only want to use them as a free teacher


so in the situation maybe the native

English speaker feels a little bad like

I want a real friend I thought they

liked me because I’m a nice person yeah

but really that person was using them or

they’re not giving anything in the

relationship yeah yeah they just take

they’re only taking right so using

someone is pretty negative so if someone

says to you I think your boyfriend is

using you oh that’s a really negative

thing so it means you should probably

listen to them think about it maybe

break up with him if it’s true so make

sure that you’re not using someone else

you really genuinely care about the

people in your life your friends your

family you’re not just taking their

skills so another quick example because

I think this verb is a little complex

and because of

rude you’re gonna want to make sure you

use it correctly so for example recently

our car had some problems and I know

someone who is a mechanic but I feel bad

asking them to fix our car because he’s

really our friend and I don’t want him

to think that I’m using him he has a

great skill he knows how to fix cars but

if every time I had a car problem if I

said hey can you help with my car hey

can you help with my car for free for

free I feel like I’m using him he would

just be using them yeah you should at

least buy them lunch sure maybe he feels

like he’s doing something amazing for me

and I’m not giving him anything I’m just

taking taking taking I’m using him yeah

so try not to use people yes but you can

use something yes and funnily enough in

this situation we had a used car as well

Oh used car so what’s a used car mean

well that means that it’s it’s already

been used yes it’s not new it’s not new

we had a used car we didn’t want to use

our friend so we had to use a different

mechanic oh we used all three versions

well let’s go to the final way for our

final way to use use we’re actually

going to talk about another version

useful useful so pay attention to this

pronunciation when we say use there’s

some vibration happening here I use a

camera to make this these videos but

when you say useful it sounds like an S

yeah useful useful so I want to know in

your opinion what are some things that

are useful for learning English what

should in wish learners use what are

some useful things for learning English

I can think of something right here

that’s useful yes these videos oh yes I

hope so it is useful to you

so obviously a good teacher is very

useful in learning English I’d say

YouTube and YouTube videos that’s a

great tool so it’s very useful and of


if you know somebody who speaks English

and you can speak with them as long as

you’re not using them that can also be

useful to talk to somebody who speaks

English in practice in person it’s

really helpful yeah so I want to know

for you can you use this word in the

comments below what are some useful

things for learning English share some

tips what do you think what are some

things that are useful to you and if

this video was useful to you feel free

to join us every month for a 1-hour

vocabulary video for the fearless

fluency Club where you can learn

vocabulary deeply like today thanks so

much for learning with us and we’ll see

you the next time bye would you like to

expand your vocabulary with Dan and I

and express yourself more fully the next

step is to join the fearless fluency

Club and become my student today click

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lesson set thanks so much

and keep up the good work with English