Let Yourself Do It

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm let yourself enjoy this

lesson let’s get started you probably

already know the word allow allow but

today i want to give you another word

that you can add to your vocabulary it’s

the word let let let’s talk about some

sample situations so that you can use

this as naturally as possible

when i was little my mom didn’t let me

have dessert unless i had eaten some

vegetables first this is a true story I

had to eat some vegetables before I had

dessert my mom didn’t let me have

dessert unless I had eaten some

vegetables I could say my mom didn’t

allow me to have dessert without eating

some vegetables but it sounds a little

bit formal so in this situation let is a

much more natural word she didn’t let me

but there are a few situations where we

use allow so maybe as you’re watching

English TV shows movies you’ll hear

people use the word allow I want you to

recognize the situation that they’re

using it in so that you can realize that

that is a natural situation so for

example a common phrase that we use for

allow is I’m not allowed to do that he

is not allowed to do that we are not

allowed to do that in this type of

situation you can use allow but most of

the time

let is going to be casual and natural

with the word let you’re giving

permission to someone I let him go to

the movies I let him go to the movies in

this sentence I’m not talking about my

husband unless your husband has to have

permission to go to the movies but I’m

talking about my son my imaginary son I

don’t have a son but we could say I let

him go to the movies I gave him

permission I allowed him to go to the

movies I let him go to the movies and

you know what you can use this about

yourself as well you could say

I need to let myself relax more I need

to let myself relax I’m working too much

or if you’re on a diet you could say I

let myself have one unhealthy meal per

week or per day or per hour it’s up to


I let myself I allow myself to have one

unhealthy meal

I let myself on my website I’m going to

give some more details and sample

sentences using this expression let so

if you’re not on my website click the

link below this video so that you can

see the full free lesson and now I have

a question for you what is something

that your parents let you do when you

were a kid or maybe what was something

that your parents didn’t let you do when

you are a kid or what should you let

yourself do I’m looking forward to

seeing your awesome sample sentences

using this expression let write a sample

sentence below this video and I’ll try

my best to give you some feedback and

read each other sentences as well

I recommend it you can learn from each

other as well I’ll talk to you later


