Living in the South of France

I’m Vanessa ad speak English with

Vanessa comm where you can have natural

conversations in English without stress

in this spontaneous video I’m going to

tell you a little bit about where I’m

living right now right now I’m living in

France in the south of France in a small

city called Vanel it’s about 30 minutes

north of exon Provos a famous city in

the south and why am i living in France

well several reasons the first reason is

I speak French because I lived in Paris

for one year several years ago and I

would like to get better at speaking

French and learn more about the French

culture and just like you you want to

learn English just like me I want to

learn French so I’m speaking every day

with native speakers and immersing

myself in the French culture and

language the second reason is here as

you can see it’s very beautiful this is

an organic farm and an organic farm

means they grow vegetables and fruits

sometimes grains and there are no

pesticides and no chemicals used to

treat the crops and the crops are the

vegetables so the food is very natural

and healthy and this interests me a lot

I think when I work with the vegetables

and when I work with the fruit I realize

what kinds of things I’m eating because

I see how hard work it is to to make

vegetables and fruits without chemicals

I appreciate everything that I eat and I

appreciate the hard work that goes into


so right now I’m living at this amazing

huge house working for the farmer and

living in his house and they are French

of course so also let me tell you a

little bit about this house it is quite

incredible this part of the house the

foundation of the house which means the

bottom of the house has records back to

the Year 800

eight-hundred meaning the roman empire

Romans had a house and this exact place

that’s incredible it’s so old I am blown


now this exact house is not from the

Year 800 but there was a house here and

people living on this land since the

Year 800 this exact house is about 850

years old some parts of it it’s from the

Year 1200 ish 1200 and the newer part of

the house which is outside the frame is

from the Year 1700s for me that’s still

quite old but for this house it’s the

new part of the house and the people who

owned this house they have been living

here for eight generations that means

his great-great-great great-great-great

great-great grandparents lived in this


incredible in America we have nothing

like this in our history our history is

much different than that of France but

when I come to France and I see these

houses it is absolutely mind-blowing

that something this old exists and I

feel very lucky that I get to live in it

for a couple weeks so I hope you enjoyed

this video and learned a little bit more

about France and organic farming

thanks so much and talk to you later bye