hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what do you have to make

yourself do let’s talk about it if you

have to make yourself do something it

means you have to force yourself you

have to push yourself to do something

maybe it’s difficult for you to find

time for english so you have to make

yourself find time for english you have

to push yourself or force yourself to do

something that you don’t normally do

this is the expression i’d like to talk

about today make yourself do something

we can also use this for someone else I

had to make him do something my teacher

used to make me do homework every day my

boss makes us work until 7 p.m. forcing

or pushing someone to do something let’s

talk about it for ourselves though what

do you have to make yourself do for me

it’s difficult for me to go to bed

before midnight for the last couple

years I have been going to bed after

midnight and when I wake up I don’t feel

that great so lately I’ve been trying to

make myself wake up earlier and go to

bed earlier when I go to bed before

midnight I feel better I feel more

rested I feel ready to take on the day

so I have to make myself go to bed

before midnight so what about for you

guys what is something that you have to

make yourself do it’s something that

maybe you don’t normally do maybe it’s

difficult for you it’s something you

have to push yourself to do what is

something you have to make yourself do

if you’re not already on my website in

the comments

below this video in the description I

want you to click on the link to go to

the full free lesson where you can

answer this question what do you have to

make yourself do I look forward to

seeing your answers and I’ll talk to you

later good bye if you enjoyed this video

be sure to download my free ebook where

you can learn five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker you can share

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audio version and don’t forget to check

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see what it is all right here is the

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just click on the link and it will be in

your email within a few seconds thanks

so much for learning with me bye